Memory 4

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~age 17~
"Hey Bonnie, wanna play hide and seek?" Peter asked. "Isn't that for kids?" Ebony raised an eyebrow. "Well it can be for training, it'll work on our spotting and stealth," he said. "Alright whatever ya doofus, I'll play," she said with a light laugh. Peter started counting as Ebony ran off. He'll never find me in the forest, I'm totally winning this, Ebony thought to herself. She dashed into the forest, keeping the base in sight as to not get lost. She found a little hollow in the bottom of a tree that she could just barely fit in. She decided it was perfect and squeezed herself as far in as possible. But suddenly the world started shaking and loud bangs could be heard. She was terrified, having no idea what was happening. She stayed curled in her little nook until it died down. She slowly emerged. Her gaze landed on the ruined remains of the base and she realized what had happened. They'd been bombed, and she'd survived because she had deliberately broken a rule. She quickly grabbed a walkie-talkie, thankful that it worked. "We've been bombed! We need help!" She yelled weakly at it. A response started just before the device died. She cursed under her breath. "Peter!" She called out, "Peter where are you?!" Her pulse quickened. It was hard enough to breathe with the smoke and radiation but she couldn't seem to breath at all knowing that Peter could be dead. A pained moan caught her attention. "Peter?" She murmured, getting closer and find him slumped against a nearby tree. "Peter!" She rushed over and crouched by his side. "H-hey Bonnie," He croaked out. "Oh god Peter, please don't leave," she whimpered. "Hey, I promised I'd always be here for you, I'm gonna keep that promise," he said weakly. He knew he wouldn't make it, so did she, but neither of them wanted to mention it. "Be strong sis, I love you," Peter said as he weakly placed his dog tags around her neck. He then took his last breath and went cold. "Peter no! Please don't leave me! How am I gonna be strong without you?" She wailed. The now silent air was filled with her sobs as she begged him to come back, knowing full well it was futile. She had cried herself to sleep after about a half hour. When she woke up 5 hours later, she had another bout of tears when she realized it hadn't been a dream. When she managed to get her tears under control, she went into the ruined base to look for survivors. She found only bodies, new tears falling at the sight of all her friends. She then found the plush Peter had given her. She hugged it and clutched his dog tags as she choked on her tears. The pulsating sound of helicopter blades began to fill the air as men in hazmat suits came down on rope ladders. "We got a survivor over here!" One of them called. Ebony knew she'd called for help but she was terrified right now. She whimpered and shrank back. She even tried to fight back when they tried to get her on the helicopter. They eventually had to sedate her. "Peter," she mumbled one last time before falling unconscious. Her sleeping form continued to cling to the dog tags and Alpha. The men didn't have the heart to take them. They doubted she'd been exposed long enough to get radiation poisoning, but they'd still get her checked once they got her home.

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