Memory 2

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~14 years old~
"Cancer? You have cancer?" Ebony signed, tearing up. Alice nodded solemnly. "They said I probably won't make it," Alice signed. "Bullshit! You're strong! Even stronger than me and Peter combined! I know you can beat this!" Ebony signed. Alice sighed and shook her head. Ebony knew the doctors probably weren't wrong, so she would make it her goal to make Alice as happy as possible before the inevitable. "How long?" Ebony signed. "3 months, only 2 months outside of the hospital though," Alice signed. 3 months isn't very long. This is gonna be pretty hard.
~3 months later~
Ebony had spent as much time as possible with Alice in the months leading up to her extended hospital stay. After she'd been admitted, Ebony spent every moment of free time she had with Alice. Now her heart broke as she held her friend's hand, knowing today was the day they had to pull the plug. "Be strong for me, I know you can do great things, you've always been a hero to me," Alice signed weakly. "I promise I'll make you proud. I'll do everything we talked about. I'll save someone's life. I'll go to your dream art school in Germany, heh I'm already getting good at the language. You'll always be dear to my heart," Ebony signed, the tears falling freely. The doctors hustled in. "It's time," one of them said to Ebony. "Can I stay till it's over? I promised I'd be with her till the end," Ebony whimpered. The doctor nodded and went to do his job. Ebony clung to Alice, Alice returner the hug. Ebony held her until long after she'd gone cold and still, not ready to let go of her dearest friend. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you," she whimpered.
~2 months later~
Ebony hadn't spoken a word or even smiled since Alice's death. Her heart still felt like someone had driven a dagger into it. A soft knock on her bedroom door interrupted her thoughts. "Hey Bonnie? Can I come in?" Peter asked. She dragged herself off the bed and opened the door. "Hey, I know you're hurting but I think I have something that'll help," Peter said. Ebony tilted her head up to show she was listening. "Well you already know I'm being deployed in Russia soon. I thought maybe you'd like to come with me, like an internship. My sergeant already said it was fine. I know mom and dad are hard on you and that the memories here are pressing down on you, so maybe a change of scenery would help. Plus, you could learn to be the hero that Alice always believed you could be," Peter said. Ebony thought for a moment. He was right. Alice wouldn't want her to sulk, she'd want her to live her life. Ebony smiled up at her elder brother. "We're going to Russia comrade," she said, causing Peter to grin brightly. There was the sister he knew and loved.

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