Chapter 2

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"Humans are such a nuisance."

Strange...I feel like I'm floating, I expected it go be cold, but I feel warm. Like someone is wrapping me in their arms.

Next day...

"Maia! Wake up! You're gonna be late again!!!" A pair of hands shook me by my shoulders and my eyes flutter open. "S-sab? Is that you?" I muttered as I got up and rub my eyes.

"Of course it's me! Who did you expect? Anyway, get up! Don't bother taking a shower, just brush your teeth and eat while you're on the bus. You have twenty minutes before the bus arrives, or you'll be late." Sab's words weren't getting through me. I keep on thinking about yesterday, did that really happen? Or was I just dreaming about it? But it felt so real. And the warmth I felt, like I was floating.

A hand waved in front of me, breaking my train of thoughts. "Yoohoo! Earth to Maia! You're gonna be late. Get a move on, dummy!" Sab flicks me on the forehead, as I yelp. "Alright! Alright! I'm getting up!" I say as I rubbed my forehead.

Fortunately I managed to arrive on time at work, I greet my officemates and proceeded to sit at my cubicle. Hmmm, gotta start with a minor news article for now.

"Morgenstern!" A voice calls me. I turned around to see my boss with someone. I almost dropped my pen.

This can't be happening! That was a dream! It wasn't real! But of course, it was. Or I wouldn't be in front of one of the men who kidnapped me.

"This is Leon Regulus. He's the new CEO of the Astronomy Museum located in the west side. He wants us to do a feature for the magazine, he requested you to be the one handling the article. You'll be with him for two weeks." My boss said, as the words slowly registered in my mind.

Two weeks? Didn't those guys tell me something would happen after thirteen days?

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Morgenstern." Leon smiled kindly. If you didn't know him, you'd think he was an angel. But behind that kind smile, hides the frightening lion.

He stretches his hand to me, and I reluctantly shake it. "I'm looking forward to spending the next two weeks with you." He says with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well, Morgenstern. Better start now, gather your things and head down to the Museum with Mr. Regulus." He says and bids goodbye to Leon and leaves.

"Shall we, Miss?" Leon says, his unwavering smile still plastered on that perfect face. All I could do was nod. I gathered my things and followed him outside the building.

He hasn't said a word in the elevator, and even now. I'm starting to worry.

"Get in." He says, his tone now changed. The Lion's back alright.

"Y-yesterday really happened didn't it?" I ask him, failing to hide the fear in my voice.

"Do you have a problem with hearing, human? I said get in. Unless you want me to drag you inside?" He says turning to look at me, his eyes resembling a burning flame.

I gulped. I was facing a god. I don't stand a chance. Giving up my curiosity, I got inside the black sleek car.

"Hello there Lady Maia, it's lovely to see you again." The driver turned to smile at me.

Ichthus! I sighed in relief. At least one of the nicer gods are here.

"Head to the mansion, Icthus." Leon says, resting his cheek on his palm as he crosses his legs.

"Yes Lord Leon." Icthus says as he turns on the ignition.

It only took about a second, and the car that I had been sitting on vanished. I found myself sitting on a large luxurious couch, and Leon was sitting in front of me on a chair that could very well pass off as a throne.

When the Stars AlignOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz