Chapter 2.2

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"As usual those Twelve Gods have been at each other's throats since this morning. Believe me your Highness, I've been trying to mediate the tension. But Lord Leon is as stubborn as ever, and your son—" I was cut off by the King's laughter.

"My, my...looks like my little boys have angered you my Ophelia, I seldom see you in this state. It's entertaining to watch." The King smiles kindly at me as he pats my head. "Have a little more patience, I appointed you as one of the Thirteen Gods because I believe your woman's charm can tame them."

In other words, he means that I should tame those imbeciles as soon as possible. I bow my head, "Yes your Highness. As you wish." And left the throne room.

I enter my bedroom and plop down on my bed. "I'm having a headache because of those men." I massage my temples and sigh.

"Can you blame them? The world is starting to drown in chaos and darkness. The tension is getting to us. Not to mention, Nero, Tau and Ice are always visiting earth to cleanse the darkness, but it takes a toll on them. Even Pricus who seldom shows up at meetings is stressed." A voice behind me explains, "Come to think of it, you aren't so involved in this matter? I should expect you of all people to be more concern on this. Being the Goddess who heals and all."

My breath hitched. I should be more on top of this. If I can't involve myself more on what's going on they'll become suspicious. "That's ridiculous. I've been coming and going to earth to heal those who have been gravely affected by the war that's been going on." I lie.

The voice laughs, the tone almost like music to my ears. "Calm down. I'm just teasing. Everyone is so uptight these days, it keeps us from thinking clearly." I was about to react when I hear guards urgently knock on the door. Lady Ophelia! You are needed in the courtroom!"

I woke up gasping. What a vivid dream. Almost as if I was there. I looked around and felt something wet on my forehead, a towel?

"So you're finally awake." A man enters my vision. His gray hair looked like silver against the sun. "I-Ichthus..." I muttered, as his face breaks into a smile. "Yey! You remembered! By the way, the big bad lion is really angry with you." He says pouting his lips and points a finger at me. "You should've just stayed in the mansion. That former goddess almost killed you."

Now I remember! I almost got killed by that old lady, but Leon saved me. As I start to remember it all, someone's voice echoes inside my head 'I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise that on my life.'

"Did Leon say that?" I mutter silently.
"What? Did you say something Maia?" Ichthus says, his face now inches from mine.

I quickly backed away, my cheeks burning up at the sight of a god so close to my face.

"MAIA~!!!!" A sing-song voice yells as the door opens, and I'm being hugged by someone, shoving Ichthus face away from me. "Thank the King you're alright!!!!" He says, as Ichthus pulls him away from me, "Hey Tau! You shouldn't be so reckless in touching a woman!" The God of the Bull pouted as he crossed his arms. "But Maia is so squishy and soft!!!!" He whines. Is he calling me fat? Before he could say anything further, two more men enter the room.

"Good. You're awake. Leon wants you in the living room, little girl. Hurry up." The God of Scorpio, coldly tells me...orders me more like. The other god with him, Karkinos could only smile apologetically at me.

All I could do was nod, after all Leon did save me from being killed. As I got up, I noticed that I wasn't wearing the same clothes as before. I start to panic but Taureo catches my face. "Don't worry, Vega and Bella changed your clothes. They're little gods who are under our orders." Taureo whispers, and I start to feel at ease. "Although, if you want I could change your clothes the next time you pass out." He adds, his warm breath tickling my ear. I start to feel my cheeks burning up again. I hurriedly avoided him and excused myself out of the room.

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