Chapter 4.2

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Later that day, I manage to convince the twelve gods to let me see Sab, with the condition of putting a tracker on me, and the moment I run into trouble I'll pray as hard as I can to any of them and they'll show up. I decided to meet Sab in a coffee shop a few blocks from the mansion, this way it'll be faster for the gods to save me if ever the need arises.

I enter the coffee shop named Kofi Project, and scanned the area to find somewhere to sit. 

"Maia!" I turn to see Sab waving to me at the far corner of the cafe, I wave back and flash her a smile as I quickly go to her and envelop her in a hug.

"Sab! I missed you so much!" I tell her pouting as I squish her cheeks. I noticed she was wearing sunglasses and my eyebrow shot up. "What's with the get up?" I ask her, as I take a seat in front of her. She sighs and raises her sunglasses a bit, her eyes are puffy and dark circles are prominent.

"IS IT YOUR FATHER AGAIN?!" I manage to raise my voice to which she hit me lightly on my arm to silence me. "Keep your voice down!!" She says, glancing to the other customers. I bit on my lip and leaned towards her, lowering my voice.

"What did he do this time and why is he back?? Did he find out about you leaving home?" She hangs her head low and plays with her fingers.

Both me and Sab have tragic childhoods, although Sab isn't an orphan and actually comes from a wealthy family, she has stated time and time again that she would rather have my life story than hers. Growing up, Sab's father had many expectations for her, being the only heir to a wealthy family isn't all that's cracked up to be.

She had been disciplined at a young age to act and speak like a proper lady, it was around the time my mother died that me and Sab met, despite her upbringing Sab remained warm-hearted and cheerful towards anyone she meets. It took years for her to finally leave the place she hates to call home. She did the one thing that she could have thought of, she ran away. She changed her name and worked many jobs with me when we were just in high school. Sab's family is a touchy subject and even if we have known each other for how many years, I have never met her parents, nor have I spoken to them. 

"He found me, Maia. I don't know how but he did. He wants me to come back to that hellhole and marry some guy for the family business." She tells me, her voice now wavering.

"He tells me that my mother is sick, and he doesn't know how long she has. I don't know whether to believe him or not, he might be using my mom to get me to come with him. What do I do now Maii?" She starts sobbing now, her hands muffling her soft cries and I sit beside her to comfort her.

"I'm really sorry for not being able to be with you when this happened. There was a lot going on and I didn't even bother telling you or asking how you were." I tell her stroking the back of her head as she clings to me.

We let go of each other as Sab wipes her face with a napkin. She sniffles and smiles a bit. "Thanks Mai, by the way I notice that barista keeps on staring at our direction. He's a hottie, maybe he likes you!" She tells me and my head whips to the direction of the bar counter, just to see a familiar face. I almost uttered his name, but I bit my tongue to it. What the hell is he doing here!?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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