The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Love Interest

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No copyright laws I do not own Naruto or it's characters or bleach and it's characters also grammar is not the best

"" speaking

' ' thoughts

BOLD - Hyorinmaru or HM for short / Suzumebachi or SB for short


There was silence between Naruto and the female masked ninja. Naruto could tell he got a reaction out of the ninja because she seemed to stiffen a bit.

???: "W-WHAT ARE YOU S-S-SAYING!!" she yelled with a flustered voice.

Naruto: "I said your voice is quite beautiful, and I would love to see your face" he said which a cheeky smile. The Hunter nin tensed at his words, but she didn't linger on the topic because she had a mission. She regained he composer with a slight cough.

???:"If you must know..." she said gaining more of Naruto's attention. "I am a male" she said with a poor imitation of a masculine voice causing Naruto and the bunny in his arms to sweat-drop.

Naruto:"Yyyeah Ok, and I see everyone in Konoha as my equal" he said with sarcasm in his voice making the  Bunny bobb head. "Also since you're a guy, tell me what guy wears woman's perfume?" he asked cocked his head to the side staring at her, causing her to shift in his line of sight. "Well to me the only reason a guy might wear women's perfume is if he is either very feminine or gay" he said eyeballing he even more. "So which are you?"

???: "It doesn't matter what my gender is" she said with a hint of frustration and embarrassment in her voice. Naruto smiled at this cause he knew he got her in a tight spot. "We're going to complete are mission and you Konoha ninja won't stop us." she said with a emotionless voice.

Naruto: "Is there anyway that you can give up on this mission?"

???: "Sorry to disappoint you but I can not do as you ask of me" she said with a emotionless voice. Naruto frowned at this. He didn't want to kill her because he can tell she was just following orders and she was a good person.

Naruto: "Ok so let me help you out of this situation, because it would lead to either yours, Zabuza, or both of your deaths" he said with a hint of concern in his voice but barely noticeable. 

???: "Zabuza took this mission, and I will not fail him for I am his tool" she said with a monotone voice which caused Naruto's frown to deepen. 'So there's no changing her mind huh' though Naruto.

Naruto: "So that makes us enemy's" he said looking at the masked ninja receiving a nod. He let out a sigh before making a face serious. Even though he had gained a small interest in the masked upon meeting her he would have to deal with those feeling later. "Then let us begin" he said with a emotionless voice causing the ninja to tense cause of the 180 degree personality change. Naruto walked towards a tree placing the rabbit by its base so that she wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Naruto turned to face faced the ninja "Ready?"

???: "Yes" Naruto dashed at her with high genin speed. She pulled out senbons and launched them at Naruto with incredible speed and accuracy. With one fluid movement he unsheathed Suzumebachi with his right hand deflecting most of the senbons but missing three as they lounged themselves into his arm causing his arm to go limp and dropping Suzumebachi. He he tried reaching for Suzumebachi with his opposite hand when his face was met with a kick snapping his head upward followed with a punch to the chest sending him back a few feet. When he got over his daze the masked nin was gone. Then he felt the air to his left shift slightly, he turned his head and was met with the sole of a saddle to his nose sending him into a tree.

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