Why do I do this to myself...?

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The morning had come but the blonde had barely slept the night before.

He was nervous to meet his new worker.

He stared at the clock and waited for her arrival.

Once the clock hit 8:28 katsuki heard a knock on the door. He ran down to it and answered it almost immediately.

As he opened the door he felt his heart start to race as he saw the girl in the photo in the flesh.

Her long red hair was done in a sleek ponytail that draped over her shoulder though it blended in with her red t-shirt. Her black shorts only reached to just above her knees.

"Katsuki bakugou?" She asked, smiling with sharp teeth.

Katsuki only nodded.

She held out her hand for him to shake and he did a little more shyly than his usual.

"Alright boss!" She began enthusiastically. "What can I do for ya?"

Katsuki blinked but cleared his throat and came back to reality again. "You can start by raking leaves. The rake and other supplies are in the garage behind the house." He explained and she nodded.

Soon all had been discussed and katsuki went back inside to his room and watched the girl as she started to work.

As he watched he noticed that her mouth was moving and upon closer inspection she had earbuds in. "Is she... singing?" He asked himself and slowly started to open up his window.

He felt a little weird but his curiosity overpowered him.

Once it was all the way opened he listened intently and heard her voice.

"With a taste of your lips I'm on a ride! You're toxic I'm slipping under! With a taste of a poison Paradise! I'm addicted to you! Don't you know that you're toxic."

He smiled unconsciously from the sound of her voice.

It was so strong and powerful yet sweet and passionate.

He loved it.

Time passed faster than katsuki wanted it to and it was 7:34. And all the leaves were raked and thrown away, the grass was cut, the weeds were pulled and flowers were watered.

She came to bakugou's door and knocked again. He opened it quickly.

"All done boss!" Eiji smiled.

They walked out together and katsuki looked over the yard. "Nice." He smiled and took out a envelope from his poket before handing it to the girl.

She opened it and started to count the green bills inside.

As she counted a small white car entered the driveway and a girl with a pink hue and matching hair came out and ran to the two.

"Kiri! Come on! It's 7:30!" She said loudly, grabbing Eiji's sholders.

"W-what?! Already?! We don't have time to get ready!" Eiji responded in a panicky voice. "It'll be nine by the time we get there!"

Katsuki flinched very slightly. He didn't like hearing that beautiful voice so distressed.

In a moment of sheer panic he chimed in. "You can get ready here!" He said quickly.

The redheads eyes widened.

"Oh no we wouldn't want t-"

"That'd be great!" Ashido interupted.

He opened the door and the pink girl dragged Eiji inside.

A girl was changing in his house... "Why do I do this to myself...?" He sighed and went inside as well.

Double Sided Redhead.|| Femkirishima X BakugouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora