w-wait?! now?!

509 10 13

Warning! Sin!

Katsuki was up against a wall. His pants were undone and he was stroking himself quickly.

His mind could only focus on the beautiful redheads body.

Every thought he had about her only made him go more crazy to the point he was drooling like a dog and small tears formed in his eyes.

"Fuck... Eiji... Damn I bet your pussy is so tight..." He moaned, moving over his slit with his thumb.

He wanted her so much in that moment.

As katsuki continued, biting his lip to try and stop his moans though his attempts were fruitless.

A ringing noise came from his phone but he ignored it completely.

The ringing continued for a while and soon a voice mail played.

"Hey bakubro! I've decided that you need to get out more so you're coming with us tonight! We'll be there about... right now so get out here!"

He immediately recognized the voice as kaminari's.

"W-wait! Now?!" He groaned. "I-I cant... Not like this..."

He started to move his hand faster, making his moans louder.

As he did he heard loud knocking on the door downstairs witch only made him panic, forcing him to move even faster.

After about a minute the blonde came.

As he did he imagined the white ropes landing on Eiji's face.

"Fuck..." He groaned.

His moment was interupted by more knocks.

He sighed and rolled his eyes before getting up, getting his clothes together and grabbing his wallet and phone.

As he walked downstairs he thought about trying to hide his red face but he thought it was useless since he new kaminari could find out anything if he tried.

He got down all the way and opened the door only to be met with a human Jolteon.

"Hey bakubro!" He smiled. "You're coming with us!"

"Do I get a choice?" The ash blonde asked.

"Nope!" He gripped katsuki's wrist and pulled him into his car.

Double Sided Redhead.|| Femkirishima X BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now