I-I must have her...

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The car that katsuki had been pulled into had 3 other passengers.

Kaminari in the drivers seat next to sero and jiro sitting right beside katsuki.

"So where are we going?" The ash blond asked.

"You'll see~" the human Jolteon said, giving him a cheesy smile.

"I hate surprises."

"And I don't care!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes and focused his attention on the moving road outside his window.

After what felt like forever of driving kaminari finally stopped the car. But everyone was surprised at the location when they got out of the car.

"An opera?" Jiro asked with a puzzled expression.

"Nope!" The candy yellow blond smiled and started to guide the group into an alley way to the side of the massive opera house.

Katsuki felt a little nervous but he new kaminari well enough to know that he wasn't going to do anything to hurt them.

The came in front of what looked to be a small, black painted, brick building.

In large crimson letters read: blood hound service house.

"What the hell is this?" Muttered the raven haired male.

"It's one of my favorite places ever~" the electric male smiled and opened the small, metal door.

A lady about looking in her mid thirties with long black hair and dressed in all lingerie stood at a small desk, sucking on a red lollipop.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen~" she hummed. "Most people here call me midnight... But since I know your friend so well~" she pointed at kaminari, who smiled. "you can call me Nemuri."

Kaminari continued to smile as he approached her.

"Don't worry guys. I got you all covered." The yellow blond said and placed a large amount of money in front of the woman.

"Enjoy ~" she hummed as she opened a small door and kaminari pushed all of them inside.

Katsuki's eyes widened as he looked beond the door.

Many people in very slutty clothes making out with random people and some even giving lap dances.

A girl with short brown hair, wearing almost nothing had her legs wrapped around a stripper pole on a small stage and danced seductively as many men and woman stared at her.

"Kaminari!" Katsuki lowly hissed at the candy yellow blond. "I thought we were gonna go to a bar or something. Not a damn whore house."

"Come on guys! It'll be fun... All of your lives are so stressful that you all honesty need to get laid. Ok?" He said and the others were still hesatent.

"Look, I already paid so go enjoy yourselves. I know I will." He smirked and left them for a boy with purple hair and really dark eye bags who seemed to recognize him.

The group looked around a little nervous but soon it got broken apart.

Jiro went after a busty girl with a black ponytail.

Sero slowly left katsuki side for a different girl, this one with long green hair.

Katsuki sighed, finding this place useless to him and he turned to just leave the place behind until he heard a familiar voice.

"Baby can't you see... I'm callin... A guy like you should wear a warnin..." Sang a female voice.

Katsuki quickly turned around and in place of the stripper stood his red haired beauty.

She stood in front of a microphone, singing beautifully and moving her hips sexily.

Katsuki felt himself drool a little as he watched and smirked slightly, loving all the thoughts forming in his head.

"I-I must have her..." He wispered to himself.

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