The girls are awake and is mad that they can't go back to michigan

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Story 1 - chapter 5
    My POV
I gasped awake because I couldn't breath for a minute there and then the shock and scared faded away since it faded I felt anger take it place and pain also came out as well and I felt my eyes start to water and then felt arms warp around me and I heard Angel a while later gasp also I then heard both of our mom's start to cry and I also heard other people voice out in the hallway. I heard my hero's and I felt angel move a little on the bed and I turned around and saw her and I noticed her eyes and saw the color of her tears I got confused because isn't our tears supposed to be clear why is her tears all black and why are her eyes green and yellow I'm just really confused and I didn't respond to my mom's question but then I felt the bed shaking. My first thought was that it was an earthquake but nothing else in the room was shaking besides the bed that both me and Angel was on then I looked to angel and I saw her hands start to shake I then decided to grab her hands to warm her up since I thought that maybe she's cold but when I went to touch her hands her mom grabbed mine and angel saw that I was about to grabbed her hands and she noticed her mom grabbed mine before I could touch her and angel started to shake more and growled and then I got even more confused since I didn't know that Angel could growl because she seemed ok to me but I don't know about that to other people, I guess I had a confused look on my face since angel's mom whispered into my ear and told me and she also asked me a question and I said ok but what about our animals we can't just leave them, they need us! Angel's mom went outside to get my mom and I again heard some more people voices from outside and I jumped when I felt someone jumped on me we fell off the bed and Angel was right by me and she was telling me stuff but then someone picked angel up and put her on a different bed and I guess we can't be by each other other wise we might hurt each other but I have no idea how we would do that I mean angel talked then me even though I'm older then her ( btw it's really true almost every body that I know is taller then desprite that I'm almost 18 my birthday is on November 18).
I heard angel start to cry and I felt tears coming down my checks as well, I don't care if we can't be by each other I still want to be her friend even though we will eventually might hurt each other because of what we are now I'm still want to be by each other.
I heard angel scream at her mom and then I felt someone put their arm around my shoulders and I then heard mom whisper into my ear about how long we were out and what happened to us and then she told me to run to angel. I then felt my head nod and I ran to angel and I was trying my best to go to her but who ever was right beside her was really strong but then I noticed that the person that was right beside her was a guy but then I felt something trying to take over me and I was trying my best to stop it I didn't want to hurt them or Angel or my mom or her mom by the time the thing inside of me and I stopped fighting I was on the ground on my knees and my body was now shaking and it was errilly quote and then I heard a laughter that sounded really familiar but I heard footsteps right behind me and soon felt someone help me up and the person kissed me on the forehead then my body stopped shaking and I could hear everybody again and then I could see as well so I looked up and Angel eyes were regular now and I looked up to the mirror in the room and my eyes were better as well and then I just got up really fast and ran up to her and hugged her and mom was happy as well as angel's mom and then they hugged us.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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