Prologue: the legend of the transforming artifact

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Stories tell that thousands of years ago, before Celestia, the creatures lived in separate villages and towns, nobody wanted to know about the other civilizations, among all that hatred, there was a light of friendship, a little pony who had discovered a unique artifact, one who turned him into any creature, the pony used it for good and to explore the other villages and cities, he managed to make several friends of all kinds, but something happened, of which leave him with no one, never told them that he was a pony after all, every creature around the world discovered it little by little, until everyone already knew his secret, and lost everyone because he had distrust in them, returning to his pony city, he didn't know what to do with the artifact until that he chose the best, he asked the king to take care of the artifact, he asked that only a pony, who is a true best friend for everyone, only do things to keep his friendships always together and in peace would have it, the king accepted, put the artifact in a wooden box, and he seal it with a spell that would break if the one who tried to open it, was that same pony which has the characteristics that the pony had described , many ponies of all kinds of friendship tried to open it unsuccessfully, the box passed from generation to generation, from king to queen, from queen to princess Celestia and her sister, and of them 2 to the princess of friendship...

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