Chapter 3: Hopes?

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Fast tap walking quietly to his living quarter finds with twilight who quickly reaches the hallways.

-Fast tap! I just wanted to talk to you!

-What do you need princess and headmare?

- (taking out a book) I wanted to give you this (she shows you the cover, Fast starts to remember, it was the same one she had when the third day happened! Well, just a copy of that book) I used this book to rule the school, I decided to give it to you, because I am very impressed with your progress, well done homework and several friends made, you deserve it.

- (receiving the book, then looks at her) Thank you Twilight (runs to his living quarter)

When he reached it, he lit a candle that was onthe nightstand, and he began to read, the book, the first thing he noticed washas letters in one order "EEA", this book had boring and quite discriminating laws to other creatures by the way mentions "ponies" every 5 lines, in the end it had a message from twilight about tomorrow:

"Fast tap, if you read this, I got you news that may interest you, do you still remember that tomorrow is the day of friends and family? well, tomorrow is also the day where the school inspection will be, so it can be accredited Well, if everything goes well tomorrow, doesn't that excite you!?"

With care: Twilight sparkle

Fast tap with an incredible fear, said in his mind: "What have I done?", If Gallus skip classes with the others, the school could close! but there was no turning back, in fact, he does it for the friendship of his friends.

It was the fifth day, although it hurts, he had to continue with the plan, there was no going back, all he had to do was see how everything happened, he went to the second floor and looked at everything that happened when the bell rang.

Gallus and Smolder were going in the opposite direction to the class, their friends asked if they were going to skip classes, to which they answered yes, and convinced them to skip classes too, the rest is unknown.

Fast after seeing that, galloping towards his class saying in his mind: "Yes!", Because he didn't see where he was going, he accidentally collided with applejack, teacher at that time had, they both went to class, but there was a problem at Arrive, Applejack did not know what to teach to them and the students were falling asleep, if the inspector saw this there would be worse problems than there are, Fast tap thought how to solve this, and was given the idea of ​​teach about photosynthesis, something that he had taught, what managed to keep the students' attention until the inspector passed with the headmare and counselor, after they passed Applejack asked Fast:

- (confused) How did you know about it?

-I just wanted a class where everyone attended (smiling, knowing that it was actually for less trouble)

After a few minutes, the bell rang and it was time for friends and family, and everything went well, more or less, but it could be worse what he could see on his position were students, teachers and creatures likely as his friends but look like were authority, Fast went outside where everyone was, just waiting for his friends, it take a while , but his friends finally arrived, but they got a un-expecting surprise, he had calculated everything Fast, but he never calculated something that turned upside down the cake, Fast did not understand why but Ocellus did not arrive as his normal form, but as a flying giant creature , and from there everything went headlong into a catastrophic madness, until finished with a part of the school, falling debris, Fast had seen everything in the same position, losing happiness more and more, just seeing what happened and when all that was over, what a mess!, the students were not happy and the inspector was already complaining to Twilight about what happened and much more, Fast said goodbye to his friends from afar

heading to the entrance door to the school, remembering all those moments he had:

When he made his first friends

When classes became fun and when their quality fell

When he met his roommate

When he hangs out with their friends

When he got to know the school more deeply thanks to a book

When he helps other creatures and meet him

When the princess welcomed him to school

When he made the plan to link his friendships again

But he just separated it ... forever ...

Remembering those things, he only saw in the background all his friends were leaving, he cried like never before and the school closed with a big and magical seal on the door....

Only a few hours passed and everything looked lost, Twilight accepted Fast in her castle, but the face of both didn't change, they lost something very valuable, they knew it was more than a school, Twilight cried nonstop in her room, while Fast's face was stick to the table in the center of the place, suddenly, someone knocked on the door, Fast opened the door and was Sandbar, who accompanied him in sadness, returning to the table Fast said to himself in high voice:

-what a bad day I just did


-sandbar, I was the one who convinced Gallus to skip classes and talk calmly, but only ...

-Don't worry Fast, I know it wasn't your intention to end in disaster

-But tell me, what I can do, I can't even say sorry, I can't do something, it's over ...

When Spike suddenly enters the scene, Spike was Twilight's dragon assistant, he was coming with a wooden box.

-Fast, Twilight told me to give you this box, maybe it might interest you.

There was a big cry of Twilight, and Spike left the room where he entered, Fast inspecting the box keeping his face sad, he discovers that there is something written underneath, a legend that told about a pony who lost everything and his artifact is in that box, which had unique powers, and only someone who was a true best friend could open it, Sandbar convinced him to make an attempt, Fast made a miserable one and managed to open it, by opening it several particles of magic came out being in groups giving forms of essence odor, both saw at the same time that it was that artifact, it was a necklace very similar to the Silverstream one, the only difference that was that it only had a pearl in the center on a yellow color, Fast just wondered:

-What is this? (Take it for the gem or pearl)

When he touched the gem, he began to become a hippogriff, the transformation felt in every part of his body, his ears changed, his hooves felt more comfortable, and lighter and he was given wings and beaks equal to a hippogriff, after the transformation, Fast and Sandbar were amazed.

-It seems that the artifact can turn you into other creatures (exclaim Sandbar)

-I think I know how to get our friends back

Fast put the artifact on his neck, he looked for a map of every equestria and a compass.

there is hope...

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