Chapter 6: the ultimate test

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It dawned and the others woke up early and couldn't believe that they had arrived at night when they saw them sleeping, they had a great time in the morning, in the afternoon, Sandbar and Fast went to Ponyville for some apples, cupcakes and pillows, everything necessary for that day, when it was time to return, both watched first if nobody saw them, Sandbar was first to go because he was carrying all the things, when Fast was going to enter, Twilight shouts from afar and came with her 7 friends:

-Fast! I need your help and it is urgent! I know that you are very close to your friends, especially the creatures, do you know where they are? I will reopen the school

Fast was beginning to be afraid, and he wondered why not look for other students? He knew that he already had friends, and he never wanted to put them at risk again, Twilight, seeing the silence that Fast had, explained more fully:

-I need to know if you know where they are, if I can't find them, there could be war between creatures (Fast began to think and Twilight sighed), I must apologize to you, to everyone, i let a book guide the school, when I should have done it myself...

- (Fast speak with a little sadness) Do you promise that it will be so?

-I promise, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

- (sigh) are in the castle of the two sisters, that one in ruins

- (hugs Fast) thank you, thank you very much

-heh, before you leave, could I sometimes call you mom?

- (laughs a little) as I have seen, you don't need a mother Fast Tap, you can continue on your own path, a box came to conclude what you managed to do, well, there is no time to lose, come on girls!

And Twilight left, Fast stayed and began to cry of happiness, Twilight knew Fast's potential, not only was for study, but also for friendship, that open box told Twilight a lot, well, that and the testimony of several citizens who were other creatures.

After a while, Twilight, her friends and Fast's friends, go out the forest, the first thing Fast's friends did when they saw him was to give Fast a big group hug.

- (Sandbar says) Thanks Fast

- (Ocellus adds) I don't know what we would do without you

- (Yona continues) Yona and friends appreciated having you a friend

- (Smolder ends) You saved us, dude

- (Fast wonders) I don't understand, what happened?

- (Gallus responds) Some animals almost attacked us, and the teachers arrived and saved us

- (Silverstream adds) And they told us they wouldn't have arrived if you hadn't told them where we were

Fast felt happy about everything that happened, yup, he was the true best friend, what Fast said then was:

-Thanks, but I owe you guys my life, you have made me what I am, and Twilight also goes for you too, I am a cheerful, intelligent, social, friendly pony, prepared for everything, a great friend, but most importantly, someone who trusts others.

After saying those words, a voice was suddenly heard from somewhere:

-I knew you had it inside, Pony

- (Fast wonders) Who said that?

He looked at his artifact and the jewel began to shine, Fast wondered:

-Are you the jewel?

-more than that, I am Heart Friend, the previous pony that carried the artifact, before the box where it was sealed with magic, I cast another spell that, when I died, my soul joins the artifact as much as I want, I waited thousands of years to see to the chosen one and witness with my eyes how you managed to recover all your friends, but most importantly, you have done more, if you had not trusted your friends, you would have lost everything, just as it happened to me, the artifact is magical and unique and you You deserve it, now I can leave in peace (after that a white light comes out of the jewel and slowly goes to heaven)

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