Chapter 4: just one plan

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After a good planning time, they started it, Fast have to escape with each of their friends and take them with Sandbar to take care of them while bringing others more, Fast can't do it without the artifact because as they remember the last Once those met, each leader of each race of creatures had end up hating the ponies, reasons that he didn't specifically known.

Fast began with Ocellus, as he remembered, was the brain of the group, and she could find a secret place where all can be together.

Fast use the artifact and use it to become a changeling and the journey began.

After a while, Fast noticed that suddenly when he continued, the forest he was flying through, suddenly stopped later, that means that, that the changeling kingdom was near, Fast landed calmly, walked a few meters until arriving at a kind of fortress, it was where the changelings lived, he hid in a bush, and saw from afar that the changelings were calm and friendly, but Fast did not want to take risks, knowing that he was changeling, he take advantage to only become a butterfly, nobody could suspect a purple butterfly around, flew around the place looking for Ocellus, and found her in a corner, a little sad, Fast approached her and spoke calmly:

-you feel good?

- (He turns his head towards Fast and is surprised and then questions) Does a butterfly talk to me? Won't you be a changeling?

-more or less (turns back to a changeling) now imagine i was a pony

- (thinks and acknowledges it) Fast tap! (hugs him happily) I'm glad to see you! But how ...?

-Long story, (look at the artifact) this necklace allows me to be any creature

- Incredible! But what did you come for?

-I know we miss our friends and I thought about the craziest, riskiest idea, but it is worth it to see them again and that nothing separates us ever again, and we must admit, when we met, it hurt us so much that we have to separate, and I need your help.

- (He thought about it and transforms into a butterfly) Well, there is no time to lose!

- (also becomes a butterfly) that's the spirit!

Both flew away without anyone noticing them or that's what they thought... after returning to ponyville, both returned to their original form, Sandbar was already waiting them in a tent near the forest, before Fast has to go to Yona, leave Ocellus in the tent and says:

-the plan is for the seven of us to live together in a secret place, but the problem is that there is no place like that we know, do you know where it could be?

-I would have to do some research

- (Sandbar exclaims) I know there are several books in the Twilight library! maybe some help you and by the way, in one minute i will back with cupcakes and some blankets

-Thanks, Fast (fixing your eyes on Fast), be careful, if my calculations are correct, you only have until night to bring others here, security and protection will increase over time with all the hate they have accumulated from towards each other.

-I swear and, Sandbar, I need you to wait at the train station, the next one is from far away

From there, Fast turned into a griffin and went to Yakyakistan quickly.

Fast was getting closer and colder, when he wasable to see the yak village, he landed and became a yak, he saw that there werewalls protecting and surrounding the village and guards protecting the door, sohe thought of a way to get there, and he came up with an idea, he circled thevillage, he turned into a squirrel and dug under the wall, managing to pass itwithout anyone seeing it, he became a yak again, and look for Yona, as he looksat the village, the yaks were more serious and that they spoke in 3rd person, but the only one who was sad was Yona, Fast approached her and said like a real yak:

-Yak feeling good?

-Yona miss friends

-Yak confess being one them, (see if there is no one to watch and transforms into a pony) this yak Fast tap

- (hugs Fast strongly) Yona glad see you again! (Fast becomes a yak again) Yona would like see other friends

- (Looks around and sees that there is a snow mountain right next to the village side) I have an idea, do yaks like to destroy things?

-Yaks love to destroy things!

Both went for wooden logs, the plan was to use them to destroy them, also hitting the ground enough for the snow to fall into the village making easier the exit without being seen by anyone.

And they started with the plan, the stomps didn't move the ground a bit, when suddenly other yaks joined the destruction of logs, and almost everyone was breaking logs, Fast did not know why they did this, so Yona explained:

-If yak destroys, Yaks destroy!

The stomps were enough to make the floor tremble enough, so that the snow falls from the mountain, when that happened Fast and Yona went quickly to the village door so that the snow would push the door with them and I achieve it, leaving to the other yaks without being able to move or see for a while, which was enough for them to escape and reach the civilization closest to it, the crystal empire, a place where Fast could without complications could return to being a pony and where there is a train station that leads to Ponyville, already at the Fast train station he told Yona:

-the train will take you to Ponyville, where Sandbar will be waiting to take you where we will all live, don't worry about me, I will go for the others... I'm sorry for all this problem that i caused

-Yona thanks you for having a pony friend, pony friend doesn't give up to unite friendship

After that Fast transforms into a griffin, next stop: griffinstone. Fast was expecting a beautiful and well-protected faucet village, unfortunately that was not the case, griffinstone was a place where nobody even wanted to know the life of another, and they hated each other, Fast took a while to find Gallus, but he got it, Gallus recognized him at first sight, but Gallus didn't want to hear from him, because of the disaster that had happened.

-Are you ok Gallus?

-don't talk to me!

- (sigh deeply) look, I'm sorry, I didn't want everything to end with the school closed, we separated, or now I have to fix my mistake and that ... (Gallus covers his mouth)

- ... don't worry (turn around to him), just wanted to hear that, I know better than anyone who just wanted to join us as before, in fact, I even remember how it was when we skipped classes: we headed to the lake and talked for a while, having a good time and note that we became 6 best friends, we had fun and played even we bet ocellus to be something awesome, I just wish to relive those moments when I was with my friends.

-Well, I'm gathering everyone in Ponyville to live together, fixing my mistake, if you want to go look for the tent near the forest

-I'll do it (he goes to Ponyville)

-well, 2 lefts and the sun goes down

Fast went as fast as possible to dragon landwhile on the road he became a dragon

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