Chapter 1

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Krism’s mismatched eyes fluttered open and immediately fell upon the beautiful maiden sleeping softly beside her. She sighed and got up, careful not to awake the snoozing Minx but also anxious for today to be as productive as possible. The light filtered in through the green curtains and the gentle hum of the traffic outside was masked by the morning song of the birds. When making breakfast, she longed for the morning vibes of the US, but then again, she adored being in England with her bebe.

After a surprisingly satisfying breakfast of an absurd combination of cereals and a refreshing glass of orange juice, Krism went to get dressed for the day and went into the bedroom as normal to do so. Just as she finished, she just stopped, frozen in time by a sudden burst of realisation that this amazing person sleeping just there was going to marry her. She paused, all of the day’s tasks suddenly fleeing from her mind, and just watched her fiancé.

She saw the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed softly and calmly; the slight smile on her face and then wondered what she was dreaming about and she eventually noticed that it was nine thirty…..


Awoken abruptly from her peaceful thoughts, Krism skipped briskly to the computer and logged in. “C’mon, we can get this done…” she mumbled to herself. Kristen stared blankly at the screens, reluctant to do any actually work. Just as she thought she’d go get a coffee or something to wake her up a bit more, an adorable yawn roared quietly behind her and Minx rose from her slumber.

“Morning, beautiful.” Krism said with a smile as Minx frowned at her, hair in a tornado from sleep.

“Too…. Early…” Minx mumbled and groaned loudly and she plucked up from her bed towards Krism. “What you…” she yawned “err doing?”

“None of your concern, nosey.” Krism chuckled as she stuck her tounge out playfully. “You go get ready, today’s gonna be busy!”

Minx rubbed her eye and plodded off to the bathroom, muttering inaudible things about recording and tiredness.

Krism has finally opened up the various tabs and programs to start when there was a brisk knock at the door. Puzzled as to who would be at their house at this time, she went and opened the door and waiting behind it on the grey front step was Dave.

“Dave?!” Krism exclaimed “What on Earth are you doing here? Didn’t you and Minx finish that song already?”

“What a warm welcome…” chuckled the long haired man “How are you Kristen? Enjoying England? ”

Krism sighed and let Boyinaband become a boy in their house.

“So…” Krism began “I assume you and Michelle are doing something today…?”

“Yes!” The polite brit answered “We are going to start brainstorming ideas for our Town of Salem song- err this isn’t an inconvenience, is it? Minx did invite me over but I’d hate to prevent you…” David’s sentence slurred off.

“What? Of course not Dave, I think Michelle did mention something about you coming today. Make yourself at home. Though I must ask, since you live quite a distance away, will you be stopping or..?”

“Yes, if that isn’t too much trouble” Dave smiled, nervously messing with his bright red streak of hair. Krism grinned, fetched Dave a cup of tea and a (home)slice of toast and let him settle down in their bright, open living room and wait for Minx, before Krism went back to her computer to work.

Krism did get some work done but she felt thoroughly demoralised now. She had planned to do something special with Michelle today but if Dave was here. Ugh. She could hear the faint laughter and weird music coming from the floor above, this song should be interesting. After a few hours, Krism eventually ended up watching many of Scribble Netty’s amazing animations and inevitably browsing through Tumblr, oh internet… you are so weird…

SUDDENLY, Minx came clattering down the stairs, tears streaming down her face and shaking.

“WHAT’S WRONG?!” Krism didn’t mean to shout but she was scared and angry that something was making Minx cry, what could it be?

Minx fell to her knees as Dave came through the door, speechless and his eyes full of pain.

“Twitter… See… Chilled…No…”

“Bebe…” Krism approached Minx slowly, offering a hug.

“JUST CHECK IT” Minx screamed as she sobbed, her purple bangs sticking to her face with tears.

Krism swiftly logged onto twitter and immediately knew why Minx was crying.

A tweet from @jessbubger:

The rumours are true, Anthony is dead. I hope you are all happy.


No… No... NO. NO. IT CAN’T BE.

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