Chapter 8

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“Michelle.” Ze spoke in a monotone, trying to not let his voice crack. There was fear in him, oh yes, seeing Minx in person, evil smirk and arched brows. She was even more menacing. There was also anger, so much anger, he could have never forgiven the woman, maybe that’s why he stood here, frozen,  with her today…

“Your friends are dead.” She spoke directly, striking like a viper, all childishness that Ze was used to, gone.  Ze flinched, not yet letting the reality of her words penetrate him. Confidently, Minx strutted pass Ze, the long bloodied knife in her hand now exposed, part of him wondered whose blood it was that decorated the weapon, but most of him was in too much shock to think anything. Steven considered running, but he knew that even if the door was somehow left unlocked, he’d never make it far enough. Minx had this determination around her that made Ze feel like she was going to win, whatever happened.

“Well...” Minx had just reached the grande oak desk at the other side of the room and then reached down towards something behind it, “except this one.”

With ease, she lifted up something quite bulky from the floor, wait not something, someone. It was Jess, being lifted by her dirty blonde hair, her faced bruised and her body bound. She still was the elegant dress for the funeral but it now seemed more like a burial shroud.  It seemed like Jess was trying to say something as she saw Steven, as her tearful eyes widened but her cries were made indistinguishable by the tie that sat around her mouth and head.

Minx let go of Jess’s hair and let her writhing body hit the cold floor once again.  Ze was still standing in the centre of the room, frozen.  Minx started to pull something from a drawer in the desk.

“GaLm” she spoke softly, cutely, mockingly. She lifted a small object onto the top of the desk, a small flower, exactly like the one GaLm was wearing at the funeral, no, the SAME one…

The lump in Ze’s throat grew. An unstoppable tear formed in the corner of his eye.

“Smarty” she whispered in the same painfully sweet tone. A shoe was lifted onto the table, the bottom of it tinted slightly scarlet, but Steven knew it was in fact John’s…

Ze’s mind was screaming but he stayed like a deer in headlights.

“and now…” Steven reacted too slowly, he tried to step forward but the deed was already done. Minx bent down; with a swipe of her arm and a horrific gurgling sound from beyond the desk, she lifted up a pearl necklace, which just moments ago had been around the neck of Jessica. Her knife was covered in a new sheath of bright crimson.

“and Tom… well, Dave should be sorting him out just about now…” She ended what she was saying with a twisted grin and a slight chuckle.

Ze’s knees crumbled under him and Minx approached him. Steven took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “and now you’re going to kill me-“

To Ze’s surprise, Minx laughed at his words. “Oh Steven, why would I do that?”

 She ended her brief exclamation of humour and then her expression became very serious all at once. Unhurriedly, she sauntered over to the window and gazed out.  

“I killed Krism, you know. I killed her.”

Ze looked up, genuinely shocked by the words. Minx’s face was red and her teeth were gritted.

“I KILLED HER.” Minx’s voice was laced with passion and pain, “AND- I DON’T EVEN REMEMBER DOING IT.” Her face turned again towards Ze, her eyes wild and angry.

“Do you know why I killed my beloved Kristen, Do ya?!” Minx was so indescribably enraged.

“Because I was so worked up about you and your precious little announcement…” She was spitting the words out “Well… Now. You. Pay.”

Ze was so overwhelmed by everything he didn’t realise how close Minx had suddenly come until he felt her icy hand on the back of his collar, pulling him to his feet.

To Ze’s surprise, he did not get a blade sunk into his spine; instead, Minx dropped the knife onto the hard floor with a clatter then started to slowly make her way out the door.

“Wait!” Ze mindlessly called out, Minx turned back,

 “Yes?” she hissed.

“Why haven’t you killed me, Minx?”

“Oh,” Michelle chuckled darkly, “Steven, I need someone to tell the story”. And with that notion she picked up something else from beside her and left the room, closing the door with a click behind her.  

Ze still stood there, unable to process the horror of reality.  He was so caught up in everything that he may have missed the loud noise that followed, but truthfully it was so very loud in the heavy silence that he couldn’t have ignored it. He jogged outside, into the main room once again and nearly fainted by the sight before him.

A lady’s dark figure lay there in a pool of red.

And also someone else lay there, just out of reach of the fresh gore that adorned the room. Anthony’s body had been tipped from its coffin and lay staring at Ze, innocently, questioningly…

The Fall of The Great ChilledChaos.

Okay, Okay, sorry if it wasn't what you were expecting, I kinda panicked, but who doesn't love a bit of Minx turning into a serial killer, right?

Hope you enjoyed it ^_^

Thanks <3



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