Chapter 7

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The funeral was here. Smarty was standing before the long mirror, examining his new hair and how dashing he looked in his black suit. He could hear weird noises coming from the bathroom, and as he had time to spare, he thought it'd be cool to go an investigate. He stood by the door, taking a deep breath and faintly playing one of the many James Bond themes in his head. Then he turned and slammed the door open with his knee but he was surprisingly disappointed by what he found. For some reason, he had pictured some evil mastermind behind the door, or a burglar at least. What he did find, however, made him glad he had decided to 'investigate', even if he had possibly broken the hotel door. ..

Ze's eyes grew wide as Smarty barged in but he did not flinch. The tears starting to overspill from his bloodshot eyes and his face a bright scarlet. Wordlessly, Smarty hugged Ze, tightly, and they both treasured the embrace, seeking each other in this time of need.

"I miss him." Ze whimpered.

"Me too, buddy, me too..."

The pair took a few more moments in the bathroom then splashed cold water on Ze's face before carefully making their way through the barely intact door. Jeez, Smarty was stronger than he thought. They made their way down to the first floor of the hotel and got ready to meet the others.


Ze had his composure ready, kinda, and they were in the room of the main event. There were two big, black doors and as he peered through the gap he could just make out the large, rectangular box, coffin, at the very end. The lump in his throat started to grow again...  All of a sudden, the crowded room grew silent.

"What happened?" Ze asked openly

"Someone knocked on the door, don't know who, everyone who should be here, is" Adam (SeaNanners) called back.

Ze politely made his way through to the side of the room and grasped the polished, silver handle of the door, and opened it slowly. Wow.

Behind the door was someone who was a total stranger but somehow... familiar.

The figure was an elegant lady, strikingly beautiful, her pale face sat quite above Ze's. Her high arched brows pointed down to her rich, dramatic eyes, which seemed to glow red. Her face beheld a slight grin, and with her arched brows this made her look somehow... evil. She wore a flaring black dress with sleeves that came to her wrists and a small silver ring with a purple gem on her finger; upon her head was a rather large black hat, covering a lot of her dark hair. She observed Ze silently with an obvious look of recognition but remained mute. Slowly but strongly, she strode into the room.

"Umm, who are you?" Ze tried to catch up with the mysterious women, but she had already made her way into the crowd.

Steven couldn't find the alluring women again and so eventually he gave up. By this time, the main ceremony was about to begin, and people were filing into the main chamber.

The funeral was long and emotional, memories floated around the room like clouds in a breeze. After many speeches and tears, Ze had his chance to and see the body of the man he had once been so very close to. Anthony lay there, sleeping. His face was pale but his face was peaceful. Anthony... Anthony... Ze's awoke from his daydream and then shuffled off with everyone else.

The 'party' that followed was still quite sombre, but still pleasant.



Everything had been quite a blur and Ze couldn't remember the details.  He was clearing away at the end when he felt himself return to his body and really become aware of what was going on.  There were only a few people left around, tidying up the mess the rooms had become. There was GaLm, Smarty, Jess-who were in the other rooms- Ze himself as well as the mysterious women, who still hadn't uttered a single word.   The hatted woman leant against the wall, her eyes fixated on some non-existent point in the distance. He shrugged off her idleness, cleaning to be done....

BANG. The noise nearly made Ze shriek as he stopped to listen out for further commotion, which was coming from the other room. He dashed to the room to see what on Earth was going on but when he reached the towering wooden door it was bolted shut. Through the door he heard a muffled sound of terror from a young women- Jess! Frantic now he was pounding on the door, sure that his hand would be bruised purple in the morrow.   The door was so polished that he could see the reflection of his terrified green eyes staring back at him, framed with a dark hue.  Before he had time to wonder where any of the others were, the room suddenly went dead silent and so he tried the handle to the large door again. Open.  Slowly, like he was walking through tar, Ze entered the room and looked around... nothing seemed.... Out of place.... What..... With an eerie creak the door closed and a voice came from the darkness.

"Oh, Steven..."  Ze recognised the voice instantly and hated how he had been so blind before. He spun around and faced the mysterious women, who no longer wore a black hat, but let her purple bangs hang loose.

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