Chapter 6

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It had been five days.

Minx finally went onto the internet and saw everything but most of it went over her head, she was still so overwhelmed by the entire thing. Dave stuck around longer and helped her, even making her laugh on occasion and of course Krism being by her side made everything slightly easier. Michelle did eventually pluck up the courage to make a short video, just her apologising for her absence and lack of videos and a small word about Chilled, not anything compared to what she wanted to say but just enough to appease the viewers.

 Then, she decided to make something, anything, so she called Andy on Skype and asked if he could play some Garry’s Mod. Luckily, he didn’t have work so they planned to play in 2 hours. She asked Dave if he wanted to play and of course he agreed.  Right, she thought, I just have to get through this one session and things will get better. Whilst she mindlessly scrolled through the hundreds of tweets people had sent to her during her absence, mostly idiotic trolls but some genuinely touching messages. Just then, she got a message from Ohmwrecker on Skype…

Ohm: Hey

Minx: Hello

Ohm: How are you dealing with it all?

Minx: Truthfully, not that great

Ohm: No rush, Michelle, this is a hard thing for anyone to go through, if you need a break, have one

Minx: K

Ohm: Minx I’m serious

Minx: K

Ohm: See you round Minx, don’t worry :)

Then she got a message from Dlive,

Dlive22891: Hey

Minx: hi

Dlive22891:  how r u?

Minx: ...

Dlive22891: Don’t worry Minxy, time will help, I promise

Then Entoan messaged her, and then Cry, then Utorak, then Lizzie, then Wade, then Ziegs, then Doxy, then Yami… WHAT WAS GOING ON? Minx immediately became extremely suspicious and was just about to go searching for something that would have caused this sudden wave of messages when Dave burst flamboyantly into the room, almost whipping Minx in the face with his flowing hair.

“Hi!” He immediately grabbed Michelle’s hand and pulled her up from her seat “I think we should go for a walk, the weather is lovely!”

Minx glanced outside; the weather was average at best: cloudy, normal British weather. She was just about to question Dave’s suggestion when Kristen also entered the room.

“Oh yes! What a wonderful idea David, it’s such a wonderful day for a walk.”

Minx pulled her arm away and gestured for both of them to stop, “You guys are terrible liars.”

“What do you mean?” enquired Dave with a nervous laugh.

“What happened? I have received a wave of messages in the last 5 minutes then you two suddenly start acting like… like this!”

“I have no idea what you mean.” Krism and Dave replied in unison, which Minx may have found funny if she weren’t so suspicious.

“What. Happened.” She took a deep breath “Tell me.”

Krism took a big sigh and Dave stepped back to the wall and put his head in his hand, his fake smile turning into a face of deep concern.

“Look Michelle,” Krism came before Minx and wrapped her arms around Minx’s waist then she put her forehead on Minx’s and looked deep into her eyes, “You can trust me… us. Don’t let this get you down and if you need to take a break for a while when you see this… I’m sure everyone will understand.”

Minx took a second to look at Krism’s beautiful face, radiating honesty. Slowly, she stepped away from her fiancé and went to sit back by the computer. Dave watched on anxiously from the corner. Click. Click. Click. Minx opened twitter, which was flooded, no longer with messages of support and understanding, but with hate, death threats, horrid remarks and general hostility. She tried to form what had happened but the random messages didn’t make it clear what she was being hated for. It took, 30 seconds or so for her to find the video, tweeted out by none other than ZeRoyalViking. The title simply read “Calling Out TheRPGMinx”.

 Minx’s mind was numb, her face blank, too many thoughts screaming in her mind for anything to make sense.  She pressed onto the video and after the 20 seconds or so of tedious buffering; Ze’s whimpering voice broke the eerie silence in the room. He was sitting in a chair in a different setting than the norm, wait, was that Chilled’s place? With dead eyes his glared into the camera and spoke the words like a robot,

“TheRPGMinx, Minx, Michelle…” He ended her name with a sly hiss, momentarily breaking his robotic form, “We have seen what you sent to Chilled, to Anthony, on Skype just days before his... before his untimely demise… We know what you said to him. Myself, TehSmarticus, GaLm and the girlfriend of the man you called ‘an abomination’, the man you said should end his life for the benefit of everyone who had ever known him, know what you have done, and now we are going to tell the world-“

The conscious part of Minx’s brain could not register what was happening but before she knew it she was running, out the door of her house, through the streets into the park. She ran until every muscle, every sinew strained to the edge of breaking. She ran until her vision became nothing but twisted blurs and until her legs fell beneath her and she collapsed, every ounce of meaning drained from her aching body. She couldn’t breathe, the world kept coming closer, CLOSER everything was screaming and bleeding and collapsing –

Then she fell into the black abyss.


“Michelle? Michelle can you hear me?”

Minx’s eyes were stuck together and it was painful to open them, especially with the piercing bright light that surrounded her, where was she? All she could think was that her heart felt heavy and her throat was dry, but she managed a small nod to respond to the mysterious voice. After she got used to the blinding light and had methodically decided she wasn’t in heaven, because heaven should not be this painful, she opened her eyes fully and was startled by Dave’s undeniably handsome but still uncomfortably close face right above her staring down.

“Oh thank God you’re awake” he exclaimed whilst quickly moving his head back. As it hurt to make a single sound, Minx gave Dave a questioning look with her eyes. Dave quietly and slowly explained that after getting about 15 seconds into the video, Minx had stormed out and the police had found her in the park about four hours later and they were now in the hospital. Minx attempted to sigh but it burned her throat to even try.


Minx’s tiredness slowed mind finally remembered what the video had been about. Oh no. NO-NO-NO-NO-NO. She had somehow forgotten in all her grief that she had sent those messages to Chilled while she was angry about the Smarty affair (and slightly drunk).  They were awful messages, things that no human should ever say to another, and now she had been called out on it.  Try to imagine the worst things someone could say to someone else whilst angry and drunk, and then multiply them by about ten thousand; those were the things she had stupidly sent to Anthony, and he had taken it to heart. Everything was getting worse; Minx was losing hope that she would ever see the light at the end of the tunnel…

Although internally overwhelmed by this sudden awful wave of sorrow, Minx casually choked out “Where’s Kristen?”

Dave hesitated; “err… she tried to stop you, from, you know running, and you... kinda… in your rage…”

Everything about Chilled or Ze or anything fled from her mind. Ignoring the excruciating pain in her throat she screamed “IS SHE OKAY?! IS KRISTEN OKAY?!”

Dave didn’t reply.  


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