Chapter 3

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Meanwhile, in the clean, modern kitchen, Dave slowly prepared a simple potato and leek soup to try and keep his mind from thinking about Chilled, it didn’t work. He was so shocked. Chilled…. Anthony…. He stopped himself thinking about it too much but eventually he succumbed to his curiosity and checked the internet… and it was awful.

Of course there was the mourning. Many Youtubers were paying their respects.


Anthony was a wonderful man, friend and human being. He will be missed by all.


Anthony was the best friend I ever had. Words cannot describe how much I will miss him.


No videos for a while guys. I hope you understand why, this is all so much to take in.


Sincerely, Rest in Peace Anthony. We will never forget you.


Chilled was an amazing man and an inspiration. He brought a ray of sunshine everywhere he went. Anthony, we miss you. <3

Once Dave came across the idiotic trolls and stupid heartless comments that made him angry, he threw his phone across the room and it hit an elegant blue arm chair by the fireplace, and then he buried his head in his hands. It was so sudden, all of this. His mind went to Jess, poor Jess. He couldn’t imagine how she was feeling. And the Derp Crew, Ze, GaLm, Tom… Smarty, just imagining the pain they were feeling brought him to tears. Oh, gosh, Minx… he could stilll hear the faint sobs and sudden shrieks of pain coming from her bedroom followed by the gentle whispers and kind words of Kristen. 

 Dave’s sorrowful train of thought was rudely interrupted by his long forgotten soup boiling over and making a horrifically loud noise. Whilst attending to it, he found it weird how the physics of the world was still working normally when such a terrible event had happened…


With a heavy sigh, David sauntered over and picked up his surprisingly still intact phone and saw the message, it was from his dear friend, Dan Bull.

Dan: Hey, Dave. Everything… okay? I’ve heard about Chilled and I know how hard that must be and you’re with Minx atm, right? Anyway, if you need to talk, I’m always here. :)

Dave smiled, not a full smile, just a slight turn of his mouth as he was thankful for his friends. He thought it would be rude not to reply but he didn’t know what to put so he found himself replying with the first generic text that came to his head.

Thanks buddy. I appreciate it.

Somewhere in the back of long haired musician’s mind, the word caught him off guard, “buddy.” He remembered from somewhere that word was used- Oh, of course…  TehSmarty.  He used to use that word in the Derp Crew videos before what Chilled did… Before it seemed everyone turned against Chilled, when Chilled and Smarty were still friends…

It was months ago but grudges were held ever since. Smarty and Chilled got into a fight, a big one. They had met up in New York and intended to chill out together. They got drunk and Smarty started flirting with Jess, taking it too far for Chilled’s liking. Chilled, in his drunken state had started shouting at Smarty and one thing lead to another and they fell out. Not Chilled, Smarty or Jess released many details about the incident. People just knew that they fell out and that was that. However, eventually, it got loose some of the things Chilled had said to Smarty, awful, awful things. Things that made people resent Chilled and support Smarty, things that broke one of the strongest friendships on YouTube, things too terrible to repeat. Things about Smarty’s dark past and about YouTube and the Derp Crew and Jess and everything…. It was known that Smarty wasn’t exactly pleasant during the affair, but he was still seen as the victim.

Many people got annoyed at Chilled, Minx included. Dave didn’t know what to think, then or now Anthony was dead.

Confused and sad, Dave sat back in the midnight blue armchair an plugged some earphones into his phone, then drowned out his thoughts with the one thing he could rely on, music.

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