BT21 Thingy-

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U dont like BTS then dont read dis- but u may read it out of your *substitute word* - eating  curiosity.

*Shookie is on his le computer, and Mang is jumping on the bed while Cookie is rolling around on da floor for some reason i dont know about*

*RJ walks into the room*

RJ: Time to eat yo dinner, childrens-

Cookie and Mang: BuT mOoM...

Koya: *yawn* i want cookies for dinner...

Shookie's mind:  you're cannibal Koala-

Them: *somehow their sounds of arguing in korean sound like BTS misheard lyrics*

*dem all start le fight*

RJ: ...

Also RJ: I-

Still RJ: I guess more sweet potato for me. *heads out the door*

Cookie: *hears 'sweet potato'*

*Cookie tramples RJ out the door to find that the Sweet potatoes arent actually potatoes and that they're part of the plate's design*

Cookie: *Monotone voice*


Y O U . . .

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