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This idea is not mine, i just heard it from my friend, but i still dont know the creator of it, so ill just give some credit that its not mine, but ill just change it up  bit.

*France and Britain having tea
at Brit's house*

France: you haven't eaten in so long!

Britain: well honestly, who cares?

France: what am i to you?? A roAcH????

Britain: eugh.. those disgusting little creatures..

France: SO I aM???

Britain: No- i didn't mean it like that!

France: you're gonna eat, all right.

Britain: i said i wO-

*France shoves a baguette in Britain's mouth*

France: dOnT uNdErEsTiMaTe mY pOweR-

I hope you like it uwuw
And here is... some... "ArT" i drew

And Ame is melting-

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