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America: hey buddy

Russia: *sipping vodka* what

America: I want you to yeet me

Russia: hmm...

Russia: wait here

America: ?

5 mins later

Russia: *comes in riding a KV-1*

America: wait- what the hell is that for?!

Russia: *straps America to an iron plate anduts it on the Tank's turret* watch

Russia: *sets it off* Lets pretend this can actually happen bc this is all a fantasy HEHEHHEHEHE-

America: *Starts flying all the way to sweet home Alabama-* HEY RUSSIA THIS IS  G   R   E    A    T -   *Lands in a camp*

Iran: *missile strikes that camp*

Russia: oh my goD-

Iran: what did i- HOLY SHIT-

mushroom cloud can be seen in the distance

Russia: yoy sick fu-

Iran: ...

Russia: hey Iran??

Network: A BODY HAS BEEN     D I S C O V E R E D  - - -

Also, im finally back.
From a very long time of inActIvItY-

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