💖perfectly in sync💖

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A/N hey guys, Alex here! This is my first story so any feedback would be much appreciated :D btw the first couple paragraphs are bad but stick with it


3rd person

Bakugou and Kirishima weren't just friends, but they weren't dating. They both acknowledged that there was probably something between them, but neither wanted to delve deeper. It went nothing more than the light sexual tension in the air and the constant but casual flirting.

"Hey bakubro, do fish not see water like we can't see air?"


And as he stormed off, kirishima would call after him

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

Just to see Bakugou get even more flustered as he continued to storm off down the hall.

This was a normal occurrence. With the light flirting here and there, it was a normal thing for them. It didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the class, but they had all grown accustomed to it, and was sort of like a running joke with them. Despite this, there was a genuine connection between the two boys. They cared deeply for each other and they would both go to the ends of the earth for the other.

So this is why, when it was announced that they were going to be sparring today, they both knew who they were going to be partnered with. They didn't even bother asking eachother, they just both started walking off towards the locker rooms to get their hero costumes, while the rest of the class bickered and frantically looked for their partners.

They were connected in a way, both knowing what the other was going to do and they slipped easily into a schedule. Without a word to each other, they walked into the locker rooms and started to get changed. Kirishima chucked Bakugou's costume towards him, and as Katsuki slid his shirt on over his head, Kirishima helped slip the blonde's mask on. Then as the red headed boy tied his laces up, Bakugou helped to fasten the cogs on his shoulders. To any sort of onlooker, this would seem like an intimate ritual between lovers, but for them it was just natural.

As they began to walk out the door, Bakugou let out a long wolf whistle while looking at Kirishima, who in return lightly punched the blonde's arm and laughed as he strode out of the room. Bakugou didn't have time to notice the slight blush on the red heads cheeks (or on his own) as the rest of the boys started to flow through the door, ready to change.

The whole class has finally made their way out, and was gathered waiting for instructions from Mr Aizawa.

"You know what to do, the sparring grounds are behind you. Don't go too far and if you need me, ill be in the corner sleeping"

He then slipped in his yellow sleeping bad and didn't say another word to the class. They were used to this though, and they all dispersed to their own areas, ready to fight. The red and blonde duo headed over to a section near the middle and took up their fighting stances .

Without another word needed, they ran at each other. When the two fought, it was more like a graceful dance. They both knew each other so well that they could predict he other's moves and dodge them accordingly. A mix of Kirishima sliding across the dirt floors and bakugou flipping through the air, it was almost magical to see. But when they stopped dancing around each other and got serious, it was kind of scary.

As soon as bakugou landed, Kirishima hardened his arms and sprinted at the boy. He slided to the left at the last second, catching blonde off guard. He was then pushed away by an explosion and immediately got ready for defense, as he knew bakugou would come straight at him.

This continued for a while, and some other groups even took a break to catch their breath, but also watch as their classmates attacked each other with the skills of pros.

But it came to an end when Kirishima got the jump on the blonde. He ended up sliding under Bakugou's legs, twisting around and grabbing Bakugou's wrists and pulling them down with him and slamming them against the ground. He then put a leg either side of the Katsuki's abs and kept his wrists against the ground, but above his head. With his arms elbows down hardened, there was nothing bakugou could do except accept defeat. Kirishima leaned in slightly and smirked down at the other boy.

"Loosing your touch, eh Bakugou?"

"Shut up shitty hair, I let you win tsk"

Bakugou let his eyes come up to meet Kirishima's, a smirk playing on his face. He realised the situation they were in, with the red headed boy stradling him, holding his wrists above his head but made no move to change this. He knew that eijro was completely aware too of what they were in, so he stayed still, letting his eyes flick down to the other's lips.

Kirishima seemed to catch his drift, and as the blonde slightly tilted his head up (as much as he could while being semi restrained), Eijro leant down the rest of the way, smiling into a kiss. It was so much better than be ever expected. When their lips touched, he could almost feel the electricity flowing through his veins, and the giddy feeling in his stomach building up. His hands fell off of Bakugou's wrists and came to either side of his head, while Katsuki let his hands glide down to rest on the red head's love handles.

They stayed there for what felt like eternity, both smiling into the kiss which felt completely natural. And while Kirishima was able to notice the small incline of the other boys head that really initiated the kiss, both of the duo seemed to fail to see that the rest of the class had stopped what they were doing to look at them.

And I mean everyone

They came up for air when they heard Kaminari hooting and wolf whistling in the background, with Sero and Mina joining him. The rest of the class just kind of stood there, jaws dropped. Because they knew that there was something there, but they weren't dating?? Right?? Kirishima looked up, flustered and became even more or a blushing mess when he saw that the rest of the class was watching. And Katsuki was having none of that.

Using one free hand to flip the whole class off, he used to other to pull Eijro back in by the strap on his chest, back into another passionate kiss. The class all broke out of their spell, laughing at the couple and giving a couple hoots before heading back to their sparring grounds.

But not before some money changed hands, and bets were regretted.

Kirishima then collapsed onto katsuki, pulling him into a hug and just laughing with him. He the asked the blonde beneath him a question.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to do that?"

"You have no idea, Kiri"

They were interrupted by the bell, and they both got up and slowly walked together to the locker room.

Holding hands, and newly proclaimed boyfriends.

Awesome! First chapter done! 1250 words :) if you have any feedback, please feel free to comment it.

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