🖤why🖤 PT 1

294 9 5

sorry in advance

TW - suicide (like seriously if you're sensitive to suicide read with caution and remember my dms are always open <3)

Bakugou's pov

It was 2 am when I got a call from mina. Her voice was so cold and she seemed almost on the point of breaking.

"Bakugou, you need to come down to the common room. Now."

Due to the fact that it was fucking 2 am in the morning and I had just been woken up I brashly said

"No way in hell raccoon eyes"

"This isn't a question. Please"

I knew that as her voice broke on the word please that something was wrong. Despite if she was talking to someone she hates or was feeling like shit, she was always able to at least seem ok.

"Fucking fine, I'll be down in a second"

I chucked on a shirt and quietly padded out of my room and made my way down to the common room. I knew something was wrong the second I saw Kaminari, Sero and Mina teary eyed on the couch with Mr Aizawa stand ijng near them, a devasted look on his normally stone cold face.

"Ok, what the fuck is wrong"

I didn't get an answer and this only made me mad. Do they think I can't handle this, do they really think they're so much better than me?!

"You damn extras better start explaining what the fuck is going on. And where is shitty ha-"

Before I could even take a seat Mr Aizawa interrupted me.

"Bakugou, take a seat."

He hasn't reprimanded me so now I knew something was definitely  wrong. I quietly took a seat and my left knee started shaking from the anxiety.

"Bakugou, this is incredibly hard for me to say, but Kirishima was found dead by Mina barely 15 minutes ago"

My heart drops at this, but it can't be fucking true. I know deep down from the tornup looks on everyone's faces and actual emotion on Aizawa's face that this is true but it can't be.

"No no no no no, You be got to be kidding me. This is some kind of sick joke right, you think this is funny?!"

I can see that my reaction is causing so much more distress to the other but I don't care at this point. Kirishima can't be fucking gone.

"Bakugou, stop. As much as it pains me to say, he is dead by his own hand"

Just when I thought this couldn't get worse. How could I not have noticed? Was i so self absorbed that i faiked to notice how much pain my friend was in?

"No, that's not right. He's happy, you're lying. And you only found him 15 minutes ago, maybe he's still alive! Someone call a fucking ambulance!"

Mina stepped up and sneakily shouted

"Bakugou! Stop...please, just stop. I found him, y'know? I found him, my best friend, hanging from the ceiling fan. H-his arms were slit so goddamn much... there was s-so much blood. He's gone."

After her little speech she sneakily fell back down onto the couch and the embrace of kaminari and sero. I followed suit collapsing onto the floor and into tears.

"This can't be happening, this can't be fucking happening! Let me see him"

Sero started

"Bakugou, I don't know If that's a go-"

"I said let me see him goddamnit! Please..."

Seeing Bakugou break down solidified for everyone that this is real and that he's gone. Aizawa just nodded and started stalking off to the elevator, with a group of broken teenagers trailing behind him.

They got to Kirishimas dorm, which had the door still slightly ajar and bakugou froze. Maybe this wasn't the best idea, he wasn't ready yet. But it was too late, because Aizawa had already pushed the door fully open and turned the light on. Kaminari let out a sob and clutched onto an already crying sero and mina fell down and slid down against the wall of the dorm, her head in her hands. Even Aizawa had a year in his eye. But I couldn't do anything, I just stood there in shock.

The sight before me was horrific. There was my poor, sweet Kirishima lying in the middle of the floor of his dorm. A rope was still around his neck, and had been cut very roughly halfway from the roof and his arms. Oh my god his arms. There were so many cuts and they were so deep, what happened to you kiri? But that's not the worst part. The worst part is the smile that graces his deathly pale face. A bitter sweet smile, one that was ok with letting go and tear streaks running down his cheeks.

I can't hold it in any more. I sprint forward, tripping on the chair he must have used and collapsed onto him. I didn't care about the blood on me, all I wanted was to hold him one more time. To see his smile one more time, to be with him one more time. But now I guess I'm never going to get that. I hug his body tight and start sobbing. I don't care who wakes up, I just lost my best friend and the love of my life.

Outside the dorm room, izuku started wandering down the hall, claiming that he heard someone crying. But he stopped as soon as he saw the three distraught teens and a devastated Aizawa. Their teacher moved forward to talk to the green haired boy.

"Midoriya, please leave. I promise this will all be explained in the morning but everyone here is very on edge and it's quite a touchy subject. Also, if you see anyone else coming, tell them to head back"

With a still sleepy and c oknfused look on his face, he walked back off to his room, letting sleep overtake him again.

After a while, they ushered bakugou away, and after he got changed into clean clothes the five went back into the commons rooms to talk.


His three friends looked up st the explosive boy, confused look on their faces.

"Why dis he do it? He was so happy, all the goddamn time. It even got annoying how he never seemed to be upset by anything, so what the fuck happened?"

Aizawa stepped up

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. He left a ... note behind and I thought I'd leave it up to you with who to share it with other than his family and how to read it. I'll head back to my room to give you guys some space bit feel free to stay in here as long as you need. You are not expected to come to classes tomorrow, but apart from announcing his death, there will be no classes tomorrow. I will not say it's a ... suicide unless you wish me to. Good night and please knock on my door if you need me. I've been a quite clos3d off teacher in the past but this is an extremely traumatic even to be going through and you should know that I'm here to support you. Good night and good luck. "

And with that, Aizawa let the kids there in silence, the weight of their world's all resting in a letter.

A/N Ok ok ok I know cliff hanger but the next part should be out soon. Also like i may have like five things in my drafts atm so like,, I should finish those?? Aight cya fuckers

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