💚my idiot boyfriend💚

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Kirishima's POV

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit

I can't stop my thoughts from getting ahead of me as I rush to class, with Bakugou right on my tail. God, we're almost late and I don't want to have my first tardy be because of my fucking boyfriend. God I love him and can't wait for us to be out to the world but couldn't he have waited till a f t e r school?

As we reach the door to classroom 1A, I only just realised how bad this is gonna look. My hair isn't done, and is completely messed up, my shirt isn't done all the way up and I haven't even got a belt on. Bakugou is missing his tie (but what's new) and he doesn't even have a jacket on. And we both happen to walk in at the same time, both late and flustered.

Well shit, here goes nothing I guess.

Before heading in I turn around and give my dumbass boyfriend a glare that says "dont you dare embarrass us more than we already are" and in return I got a smirk.

This isn't going to end well, is it?

I took a shaky breath and tried to smooth out my shirt before taking a step into the classroom. It went almost silent before Mina broke the peace.

"Oooh Kirishimaaa, looks like you've been up to something. Where have you been 😏 "

She said this while wiggling her eyebrows, and got a couple snickers in response. I honestly haven't prepared anything to say so I just kinda stuff there for a couple seconds before responding.

" I uh, will I yeah I kinda woke up late, y'know? And then I had to rush to get ready and I was doing things and uhh"

The class clearly wasn't buying it, and what I hadn't noticed was while I was saying this was that bakugou had walked in behind me, equally as unkempt which gained even more snickers from the class.

Without even breaking stride and all the while keeping his typical 'bad boy' smirk on his face he just said,

"I'm things"

And continued walking to his desk.
As if he hadn't said a n y t h i n g

Well, I guess this kind of left the class speechless, as it was silent for a few seconds. Then kaminari broke the silence by bursting out laughing, followed by Mina, Sero and then eventually the whole class in hysterics. By the time they had calmed down, I had made it to my seat, but my face matched the shade of my hair. Bakugou however still seemed to find his whole situation hilarious and was smirking as he conversed with the bakusquad from his chair.

I leaned over and whispered in his ear

" I'm so getting you back for this, asshole"
" Uh huh, and what are you going to do to me dadd-"

I cut him off by slapping my hand over his mouth and my face got ten shades hotter. I don't like that sort of stuff and I know he was just saying that to piss me off and embarass me. Luckily no one seemed to hear.

"I swear to god Bakugou, you should just shut up sometimes"

"Make me"

That was my last straw. Seeing him with that smug smirk, I wasn't going to let him have the upper hand over me. I grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and pulled him into a fierce kiss. After a few seconds (and many hoots and hollars from the rest of the class) I let him go and took in the satisfaction of seeing his shocked and speechless face.

"That good enough for you, Katsuki?"

A/N Another chapter done! I had a lot of fun with this one. If you have any requests, DM them to me or comment them :)

Kiribaku Oneshots :DNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ