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Times 1A really should have caught on that they were dating PT 1


Based off of that one vine, y'all know exactly what I'm talking about.

It was Kirishima's birthday, so what better way to celebrate it than by barging into his room at ungodly early hours to wake him up! The rest of the Bakusquad (Kami Sero and Mina) didn't even try to knock on Bakugou's door, as they were too scared of what the consequences of waking him might be.

They arrived at his door at 8am on the Saturday morning, with their presents all ready and giggling to each other. Mina looked at the two boys and silently counted down to them





They shouted this as they broke down the door. Obviously not woken up yet, Kirishima sat up in bed, slightly dazed still. He looked a lot more messy than usual though, and had bruises all up his neck. He was missing a shirt and his hair was messier than normal.

It only took a second for another head to pop up. From right next to him Bakugou's head showed up from under the covers and nestled back into Kirishima's chest.

"Babe, what the hell is that noise'

There was a quite awkward silence before Kaminari burst out laughing. He was quickly followed by Sero and Mina, and soon all three were in hysterics

" Good morning to you too, Bakugou"

"OH S H I T"

" Looks like Kiri already got his birthday gift"

After these comments Bakugou finally seemed to come to his senses and break out of his sleep daze and started screaming


Because they actually value their lives, the others quickly fled the room, and their cackling and loud footsteps could be heard going far away from the room.

"Kat, lie back down with me"

"But what about those fuckers, they're gonna get it"

"Eh, we'll deal with that when we get to it"

And that seemed to be good enough for him, as they layed back down together and dozed back off.

A/N so uh like, I'm gonna write more of these cause they're fun but they'll be based before this time wise? if that makes sense?
also I wrote this at 2 am so it's really shitty ayy :')

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