💖relaxing with class💖

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After a long day of school, the class of 1-A had come to reside in the common room. Most of them were joining in the game of Cards Against Humanity, while some were just watching and talking.

Since it was the end of the year, everyone was quite comfortable and close with the others so it was a very relaxed time. With people sprawled out across the floor and couches around the coffee table, it was a chaotic yet naturally calming situation.

No one had quite noticed yet, but bakugou and kirishima were in an 'intimate' position. Bakugou had his legs resting over the armrest of the couch and his head resting in Kirishima's lap. As the red headed boy wasn't playing the card game, he had his fingers intertwined with Bakugou's hair and had been playing with it for majority of the night. The thing is, the boys hadn't particularly noticed either. Neither knew how they got in this position but they weren't complaining.

As Mina's card got picked as the winner for that round, Bakugou shouted " WHAT?! My card was way better than that!" This claim was met with lots of diagreements and shouts from his peers, and the blonde then turned his head up slightly to look at kirishima and whined "Kiriiii, they're being assholes"


The look on Bakugou's face as he realised what he had said was priceless

This received many awwws from the girls of the class and not so quiet laughs from the guys. They hadn't really seen this side of the explosive boy before, so it shocked them all.

While the rest of the class was awwing and just being honestly confused, Bakugo nestled his read face into Kirishima's hoodie, trying to hide himself out of embarrassment.

While the explosive boy seemed to be in metaphorical agony, his 'bEsT fRiEnD' was having the time of his life. To save some of Bakugo's pride, he had managed to refrain from laughing but nothing could keep the huge toothy grin from his face.

"Awww kat, don't be like that! Nobody's gonna be rude or anything and we'll move on from this if it helps you?"

Now while it may seem that it was a very kind and light-hearted comment with the tone he took, his face showed something else. While saying the second part of that sentence he shot a threatening glare at the rest of the class that basically screamed 'you try anything and I'll kill you'.

Who knew class 1-A's sunshine could be so scary.

Everyone quickly caught the memo and continued with the game. They all knew that if they kept on bringing this up that Bakugo would never open up again and they'd never seen this chilled out version of the blonde again. Mina jumped in for the rescue and exclaimed,

"Aaaaanyways, I still claim that as a win for me, that round's mine! Who's turn is it next?"

They quickly got into the swing of things and while no one forgot, Bakugo's outburst from earlier wasn't mentioned again. After a few rounds it seemed that the explosive boy had mostly forgotten and was back to his usual self. Well not quite, he seemed more relaxed and off guard, as if he trusted the other kids around him.

After another half hour it had gotten to 9pm and bakugo had decided to call it a night. As he hauled himself up from Kirishima's lap he got a couple stares.

"Aight shitheads, I'm going to bed. Tell me who wins in the morning, and I swear to god if you let Pikachu or Deku win I'll kill you"

This earned a couple laughs from the others and he started to walk away. But as he passed the back of the couch where kirishima was still sitting he paused and leant down to be on the same level as the red head.

He kissed him on the cheek and gave a quick "Night Babe!" as he continued to walk away casually towards his dorm. A small smirk graced his face as he knew very well what he'd done.

In his wake he left a very flustered and red kirishima, and an equally shocked class.

Kaminari let out a long "Oooooo" , and kiri threw the pillow that was covering his red face at him while yelling,

"Godamnit you asshole, this wasn't the plan!"

To his smug boyfriend. This didn't stop him, as he disappeared around the corner while giving a wink (directed at his boyfriend) and poor kirishima was left with the class.

"So uhhhhh, me and bakugo are dating?"

He was met with a quite positive reaction, with a couple congratulations and cheers (and a couple people passing money and sighing at the lost bets)

After everything calmed down, the kids continued the game. Kirishima looked around and realised how thankful he was to have such a close and happy family here with him, who support him no matter what.

A/N Hey y'all! So I didn't quiiiiite know how to end this but idk, I liked it! If you could leave a comment making any suggestions on how I could improve my writing that would be awesome :D

Have a good one - Alex

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