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ok no one asked but im legit a fucking huge marvel fan as well as bnha, like they're my two main fandoms.

would you guys be allowed yo me doing a crossover where the avengers (plus peter and some others) get transported to the bnha universe?

also like here's who I think would be who if bnha were the avengers

captain America  - so I think that Kirishima would be captain America, because of the whole manliness from him and the God bless America vibes from cap, they kinda match up? also similar morals and "I'll save these people no matter what it takes" attitude, no to mention both were bullied and weak as kids.

Bucky - he's not a main avenger but I wanted to add him bc of cap and I reckon Bakugo would be Bucky. like they both are best friends with cap/Kirishima and also have got a lot of issues they are trying to work through. when they're angry (or in winter mode) seemingly the only one that can take them out of it is cap/Kirishima

thor - i reckon that this is midoriya, not much to it. they're both powerful as fuck and do what's right. (ignoring thors 'episode' during endgame)

iron man - idk why but the only one who suits this for me is todoroki. they both seem cold and egotistical when you first meet them. but if you actually get to know them they're caring and actually have a sense of humor. also both rich af and have huge daddy issues

hulk - for this one I wasn't really sure. either sato or fumikage. now tokoyami might be a bit of a surprise it fits. he's quite smart and can get extremely dangerous when out of control. like how banner is more dangerous the more angry he is, tokoyami is more dangerous the darker it gets.

black widow - now natasha was hard. a smart and dangerous but charismatic person. I was think yaoyaroza bc she seems like just a pretty face, but she's also very smart and dangerous. I wasn't really sure who else would fit bc honestly nat  is one of my favourite characters.

Hawkeye - honestly I think that clint and natasha are fucking best friends, so I tried to pick someone who is close with momo. I reckon jiro would be a pretty good Hawkeye. works well from a distance but also good at hand to hand. normally light hearted and sarcastic but can get serious when need be.

Spiderman - ngl sero would be peter for the bants but let's be honest deku is like perfect for this

ok so I could go on about marvel for hours an the things above are just what I think of off of the top of my head. I love peter parker and nat and clints friendship is so fucking great.

would y'all want a crossover??

also super sorry I'm tired so like my Aussie swearing and slight slang has come out, I normally try to keep that out of writing, but yeah!


hope y'all are doing ok in quarantine
- Alex

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