sixth sign

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You call them first when something is going on in your life.


When you woke up to your phone buzzing from an email alert, you usually brushed it off as something like subscription mail from an online shop. But your mind tells you to check it out and with the little motor movements you can muster in your groggy state, you managed to check the email.

It didn't help that you caught sight of the date being Sunday and the time being 7 AM, but the second your eyes read the email subject and sender, a gasp escapes you.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" You sit up, reading over the entire email at least thrice to make sure you're not misreading it. "I got in? I got in!'

You twist to face the shared wall between you and Jaehyun and start knocking. "Jaehyun, wake up!"

When you don't hear anything back, you call him through your phone while simultaneously knocking and chanting "Wake up!"

A loud bang shook the wall from his side that stops you while his voice comes on your phone.

"It's 7 in the morning," He groans, voice deep and husky - and clearly not happy. "What do you want?"

"Please wake up and let me in, okay? It's important, Jaehyun." You beg, already getting out of bed and rushing out your room.

"Give me a sec." He yawns before hanging up.

It takes him a few more seconds to open the door for you and as soon as he does, you take a moment to scrutinize the messy bed hair and absence of a shirt before squealing, "I got in!"

"What?" He croaks, barely keeping his eyes open.

"The photography classes I wanted to take for summer! Slots are always limited, but I got in!" You throw yourself at him in excitement, making both of you stumble back a bit.

Jaehyun snorts, "You're so excited about this. It's almost cute."

"Because I don't have to rot away in my room while you're off at that sports camp of yours." You huffed, pushing him away.

"Aw, you never tell me you miss me when I'm off at camp." He coos with a coltish tone that brings the dimples on his cheeks.

Stuttering, you shrug your shoulders, "I-I'm going go tell my parents, see you later. Put a damn shirt on."

"Put some shorts on, first."

That was when you were suddenly aware that Jaehyun wasn't the only one naked; having slept in the largest shirt you own that almost reached your knees, but drooped down one shoulder. Feeling your cheeks warm up, you punch his shoulder, "Whatever."

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