Birth Of A New Demon (Edited)

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It was October 10th, Naruto's 7th birthday, and Naruto was running for his life again why is he running you might ask well he is the container of the Kyuubi no Yoko because of this everybody in the village of Konoha except for a small few hate him. Naruto had been running for a few hours and no matter how many turns he took he just can't escape the wrath of the villagers who hunted him down like a wild animal little does he know that tonight will be worse then the last two years. As Naruto makes another turn he is hit with multiple shuriken and kunai causing him to stumble and fall allowing the angry mob to catch up to him as they started to hit him with everything an anything they can get their hands on, all the while shouting different things some like give me back my son, daughter, brother, sister, husband or wife. Others where just calling for blood and the entire mob was shouting for his death. Naruto was doing his best to curle into as tight of a ball as he could trying in a useless effort to protect himself wondering. "Why, why do they hate me."

After what felt like hours to him of constant pain he passed out. One villager tied him to a stake while the rest built a fire stack placing Naruto upright in the middle they poured gasoline an oils all over him when this was done a pink haired woman spoke to the rest saying.

"Tonight we finally have our revenge and we avenge our fourth Hokage, now light the fire." As she was talking several shinobi in the crowd were going through handsigns at a fast rate they were Uchihas recognized by the clan symbol of a dual colored fans boldly embellished upon their backs and as the woman finished her little speech the shinobi finished their signs and called out together

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu" and launched several balls of fire at the unsuspecting blond who was beginning to wake up, right before they hit Naruto they collide with each other and became one large fireball he screamed as it hit and he continued to scream and struggle and thrash as the fire was burning all around him eating away at his clothes and body after a minute or two he went slack and stopped screaming.

(Naruto's mindscape)

Naruto woke up inside a dark corridor in ankle deep water thinking. "Great they threw me in the sewers again." He got up to his feet and looked around to see if he could find a way out. Wondering around taking different turns to avoid turning around Naruto took notice of the red,purple and blue pipes running along the walls. The blue pipe was on top and was roughly a fourth of the size of the red pipe on bottom and the purple pipe in the middle was only a fourth the size of the blue. After several minutes of walking he was getting frustrated and shouts.

"Where the hell am I?" Not expecting an answer he jumps when he hears a voice calling out to him to follow the red pipe not having any better ideas as to how to get out Naruto shrugs his shoulders and follows the instructions and walks further down the corridor taking several turns, a few minutes later he finds himself in a large chamber with rusted metal bars that extend to both sides of the room as well as up into the roof that is so high he can't see the top.

As he looks around the room he fails to notice two blood red eyes watching him from behind the bars when he feels a hot breath pass over him, he spins around and stares at the cage looking straight into the eyes of the Kyuubi and lets out a strangled and depressed cry before saying. "So you are the Kyuubi. Does that mean I really am a demon."

Hearing this the Kyuubi growls out. "You are not a demon little one, I am and yes I am the Kyuubi no Yoko and you are human but you are being burned at the stake and will die soon." Then seeing Naruto flinch, he said. "I have watched your life from day one. I am sorry for how they treat you kit."

Hearing the sadness the Kyuubi spoke with Naruto looks up at the Kyuubi he said. "Apology not accepted." Taken back by Naruto's hard tone the Kyuubi looks down and begins to explain why he attacked but was interrupted by Naruto continuing on. "It wasn't you who hurt me and I doubt you wanted to be sealed in me, no the villagers did this to me not you. It is them who should be sorry for treating me the way that they do, not you."

Konoha's Mistake (UnderGoing Editing )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя