Bell Test (Edited)

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(the next morning)

Team seven arrived at the training grounds at 7AM like their sensei said to do. After ten minutes of waiting Naruto was pissed, he took out a scroll unrolled it and applied some chakra and started on a not so simple series of traps stringing them so if one went off they all did only moments after, one after another in a chain reaction. It took a couple of hours but he was now finished with setting up his trap/prank, his teammates staring the entire time and since his sensei wasn't there yet he went to the field and preformed the summoning technique. With a large poof of smoke there was the same Fox from the exams standing in front of Naruto. The Fox's tail was long about the same size of the Fox itself waving around when it hit a tree and broke the tree in half with pieces of bark landing across the ground showing the strength and durability of the bones of the Fox . It's shoulders were very muscular built for strength, to emphasize this the ground shook slightly with each step the Fox took, it's paws left paws dents in the ground and were wickedly curved and claws extremely sharp as they easily sank into the ground.

Sasuke was pissed not only did the dobe have a powerful weapon but he could summon he was thinking while he secretly watched Naruto battle with his summoned creature. "I am going to get that power if its the last thing I do." He was just about to stand when a voice called out. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, you'll only end up pissing him off more than he already is."

Sasuke turned with a glare on his face and said through gritted teeth. "He doesn't deserve that power I do, I need to kill that man. I wi..." He was interrupted by a backhand that knocked him out into the field were he was nearly hit by the Fox's tail. Sakura seeing Sasuke being hit went to yell at the offender but froze when she saw the hot and fiery redhead but he paid her no attention as he was laughing at Sasuke while he tried to avoid getting hit by a very pissed off Fox.

(one hour later)

Kakashi arrived not watching where he landed and found that Naruto was a very good trap maker. Naruto saw that his traps had done their intended job of pining Kakashi to the tree Sakura was sitting under (you know like on robin hood men in tights), stopping the light workout with the Fox, Naruto dispelled the technique holding it in this realm. Sasuke ran for the tree as soon as he had the chance. Naruto took his time getting over there stretching as he went not even tired from his mock battle with his summon and friend.

Once Kakashi was freed, he just used a substitution, he walked to the middle log while glaring at Naruto the whole way. Kakashi then pulled out a little egg shaped timer and said. "Alright you three I have set this timer for noon you have until then to get a bell, if you don't get a bell you will be tied to one of these posts while those who do get a bell will eat their lunch in front of them." He paused here to listen hearing only two growling stomachs he raised an eye brow in Naruto's direction and continued on. "You can use anything to get a bell, kunai, shuriken or any other type of weapon you may have."

He was then interrupted by Sakura saying. "But sensei we could hurt you."

Naruto said with a huff. "As if a freshly graduated genin can hurt a jounin veteran of one of the shinobi wars even if he was a fresh jounin. Stupid fan girl he is a jounin for a reason." Sasuke just hnned. Kakashi then tapped the timer saying begin. With that the genin went to hide in the bushes and trees, except for Naruto he just stood there.

When Kakashi went to speak Naruto said. "I know what this test is about. Do you really think either of them will work with me?"

He then turned to the trees and then in a clear and loud voice said. "If you want to pass we need to work together." Naruto waited half a minute then shrugged his shoulders and walked off. Kakashi didn't even know he had already taken a bell. (the rest happens like in canon well almost no Naruto piñata)

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