Past Artifacts (Semi-Filler) (Edited)

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(the next day}

After talking with Haku and Zabuza about their situation and making a truce. Naruto took the day to explore the island he was just aimlessly walking around when he came upon a very old shrine and could feel an odd sensation as he wondered around the shrine and before he knew it he was standing in front of a pedestal with two strangely crafted Swords. The pure white Blade had 4 holes located near on the central ridge, with a hole in the center of the Guard; slightly extending out from each side of the hole of the Guard there's a Feather-Wing like design colored gold. Naruto picked them up looking them over to see if he could understand the craftsmanship of the twin swords and why they were kept in a shrine. "These are like a regular set of twin swords but what does it do?I don't see any obvious things telling me anything about the uses of these odd Swords," Naruto paused in thought "Guess I'll have to experiment with them later on and see what they do." Naruto finished his thoughts out loud.

"Experiment with what kit? Oh, what do you have there?" Asked Kurama, startling Naruto so badly on his survival instinct he channeled chakra through his body and squeezed the hilt of the sword causing both swords to absorb that chakra and Emit Rainbow Chakra Flames.

After registering that it was Kurama he relaxed and stopped channeling his chakra. With the lack of chakra the swords had nothing to absorb causing the rainbow chakra flames to die down. With a sigh he replied, "Honesty I really don't know what they are I just found them here and was experimenting and couldn't figure what they could be used for but I think I now know what they are."

"And what do you think they are Naru-chan?" Kurama asked.

"Well I think they might be what past shinobi used to get significantly increase the attack power of their weapons before the inns and outs of chakra were fully explored. Though this seems to be the last set since it was stored in this shrine. Though just now it had a different reaction with my chakra than regular Ninja tools made for the ability of Chakra Enhancement. These weren't just acting as a base for my chakra to give additional effects like Asuma-Sensei's Chakra Blades, but the were actually absorbing my chakra." Naruto replied then he added "It felt eerily similar to how I create My swords purely from my chakra... I'm going to keep them and experiment with them more, also they look cool." Naruto was leaving and taking the artifacts with him when the floor caved in and they fell down. It was so sudden it took Naruto a few moments to remember he had his Tails. He quickly changed to his hanyo form bringing out 5 Tails since there wasn't enough room to get enough force to stab his tails in the wall to completely stop him he only slowed his decent. Naruto was easily slowing down but wasn't prepared for Kurama's extra weight as he grabbed onto Naruto. Unfortunately the extra drag on his tails were to much and snapped them back out of the wall causing the two to fall faster with each other Kurama saw what he had done as he was looking at Naruto when he grabbed his wrists. Angling there bodies to go to the wall Kurama knew he had to be careful to not snap his ankles off when he felt his feet scraping down the wall he quickly channeled chakra to his feet until he was stopped completely on the wall.

Without the wind roaring in his ears Kurama could hear Naruto saying in a pained and strained voice. "Gah, My Tails are definitely Sore."

(with the others)

Kakashi was still training Sasuke and Sakura lamenting over his burnt Icha Icha book when Zabuza and Haku walked by two of his students and over to him. When Zabuza got next to Kakashi he asked. "Where are the other two of your group Hatake."

"Probably off sparing each other somewhere, I don't know, they've done this since day one." Kakashi said

"And your okay that someone else is teaching your student who knows what?" Zabuza asked and Haku nodded as he was confused as he thought Kakashi was Naruto's sensei.

Konoha's Mistake (UnderGoing Editing )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя