Graduation (Edited)

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(Three years Later)

Naruto was pissed Mizuki had been sabotaging him since day one of the academy he would put illusions on his tests and mark flaws in his taijutsu stances when there wasn't any. He was always put up against Sasuke in taijutsu practice and when he won both Sasuke and his fan girls would throw a fit, the girls saying he cheated and Sasuke saying a dumb clanless loser could never be better than the Uchiha. Mizuki would mark Sasuke as the winner on the days Iruka was out sick and those days were worse than the days Iruka was there, though near the end of the final year Naruto got Mizuki fired for not doing his job properly and professionally as he took his case to the Hokage. Whom used a technique that made him invisible taught to him by his student Jiraiya and watched from in back of the room standing behind Naruto as Mizuki did what he would normally do not knowing the Hokage was there. And just before the final bell rang he dropped the technique with a very angry expression on his face and said. "Mizuki for your actions against the future genin of Konoha you are fired." The look on Mizuki's face was priceless to Naruto and he couldn't hide it for long as he started to laugh boisterously to him it was like a great prank Naruto felt that the Hokage pulled off rather well, while rolling on the floor.

Mizuki didn't take to kindly to being laughed at and lunged at Naruto screaming. "I'll kill you for laughing at me demon." He didn't even get a step closer as Kurama appeared in front of Naruto and Caught Mizuki's fist, slowly drew his hand back and punched Mizuki in his face sending him crashing into the desk. After this happened, the girls started to ogle and drool over Kurama and that pissed Naruto off and he shouted out.


That got mixed reactions some were dumbfounded, some were looking with that WTF expression, others laughed with one saying. "Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" Followed by the whimpering of a dog.

Kurama just smirked hearing how possessive his mate was and had to hold himself back from taking Naruto right there in front of everyone, human laws be damned. Later that day Naruto was practicing with his sword when he felt eyes on him he quickly spun on his heel and prepared for a fight.

Naruto could sense and smell it was Sasuke and said. "Go away Uchiha I don't feel like listening to you crow or your hens clucking."

Sasuke didn't like this but said, "Why do you have that sword? Do you even know how to properly use one?" At this time three people came out onto the field two fangirls and Kurama. The girls began to tell Naruto to do as Sasuke said. Kurama had mirth in his eyes as he knew the real reason Naruto would never... could never give up his sword.

Naruto said "you can try to take it, but you'll be dissatisfied with the results as they will all end with failure" He had started out staring at the swords with a far off look in his eyes and ended with pure malicious intent directed out towards the three. The way his eyes hardened sent chills down their backs. Kurama just laughed at this knowing how serious Naruto was about his sword.

(graduation day)

Everyone was nervous except for a few and they were ready to be shinobi. Those who truly were ready were Naruto and the clan heirs and heiresses. Iruka came in and the first thing he said. "Naruto even though I have no proof, I know it was you who vandalized the Hokage monument." And with that said he began a long and boring speech that put most to sleep, Shikamaru doesn't count as he was already asleep. Eventually Iruka finished and started calling out names starting alphabetically. It took awhile to get to Naruto but he wasn't last that was Ino.

When it was Naruto's turn he was taken to a back room where Iruka and two other chunin sat waiting. Iruka cleared his throat and said. "Ok Naruto to pass you must perform the transformation, substitution and clone technique, please start with the transformation."

Konoha's Mistake (UnderGoing Editing )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin