Upset Naruto (Edited)

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(The next morning)

Naruto woke up as the sun began to rise and he loved to watch it with Kurama. So when he yawned taking in the scents in the room and didn't smell his mate's scent he took what he felt was his true form. Out of survival Instinct, He took on an over all Fox appearance, as fur quickly started appearing and covering his body. His fur had various Colors oranges and reds making his fur looked somewhat like a raging fire. His ears followed, then his tails appeared one by one until reaching his full representative 9. His Fur shinned dimly in the early mourning's sun and the light morning breeze making his Fur look like moving flames. His tails had a more flexible quality thanks to being in his full kitsune Form. But still sturdy enough he cold snap a fully grown evergreen redwood like a twig.

In a low growling voice filled with anger and rage Naruto asked. "What in the hell are you doing? Uchiha." He finished releasing a completely bestial growl, fangs literally dripping with venom for a more menacing and frightening look as his lips pulled back in a snarl showing of both sets of razor sharp teeth. As soon as Naruto began to speak Sasuke started to wake up. Upon opening his eyes to the sight of a really pissed off Fox at first he was mesmerized by the dimly glistening, fire looking Fur to the deep ocean blue eyes and strange six flesh like whiskers he was completely spellbound until he saw the teeth glistening and the burning rage in Naruto's eyes. Sasuke screamed loud and long as he jumped away from the transformed Naruto into a corner of the room. They soon heard multiple feet running for the door to the room.

Kurama was the first to enter then Kakashi followed by Sakura, Tsunami then finally Tazuna and Inari. What they saw scared the civilians along with Sakura and surprised Kakashi it just amused Kurama. "Well Uchiha, what do you think you're doing in bed with me?" Asked Naruto with even more malice, and with the venom dripping it was a truly frightening sight, but Kurama thought the sight of Sasuke cowering in the corner was funny but he didn't laugh until he saw Sasuke's Sharingan then he bent over with laughter. Kakashi seeing Sasuke's eyes knew the image would forever be burned into his brain and took pity on him.

"Ma, ma what is all the yelling about?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto turned his draconic head and snarled out. "When I went to bed last night I was with Kurama and now when I woke up it was to the Uchiha spooning me." Gold and red flames punctuating each word he finished saying. "I will be mentioning this to the hokage when we return."

Sakura finally regained her senses asked. "What kind of monster are you Naruto? I bet you're the demon my mother was always talking about and now you want to eat Sasuke-kun for his sharingan." Everyone gave her the WTF look before Kurama's laughter doubled in volume as he was trying to say. "I can't breathe it's so stupid it is hilarious, I can't breathe."

While he was banging a fist on the floor and laughing his guts out. Naruto had went back to glaring at the Uchiha and said. "Well I am still waiting for an answer."' Sasuke mumbled out something so quite that neither Naruto nor Kurama could hear Kakashi read his lips and grew concerned for the Uchiha mainly he was concerned that if the Uchiha didn't stop going after Naruto, then he would end up a smear on the Hokage monument or here in Wave county, well him or Sakura. Which ever is the one to piss him off anymore than he already was, Kakashi could see it in Naruto's eyes the only thing keeping him from killing both of them was the headband identifying them as shinobi of the leaf and comrades in arms.

Kakashi once more spoke out. "Well since your all up lets get to training before breakfast is done."

Sakura groaned out. "Its to early to be up, why would anyone get up this early." Everyone in the room once again gave her the WTF look the shinobi were thinking. "Really is this girl stupid I mean really how did she become a shinobi?" Naruto made a mental note to tell the Hokage with his report and Kakashi was banging his head on the proverbial wall asking himself. "Why, why did I agree with this team?" He then noticed Naruto looking mostly human and finished his thoughts "Oh yeah Minato sensei's son. The little brat passed my test, Minato sensei would be so proud."

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