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yuta cried holding onto the only thing he had that reminded him of mei

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yuta cried holding onto the only thing he had that reminded him of mei.

her grave.

letters were deeply engraved on the tombstone. yuta could hardly ever bear the sight.

somehow a gut had told him that after that night mei would never wake up.

he had a gut that told him mei would be growing thorns out of her body.

renjun was horrified when he woke up to the sight of his girlfriend laying there lifeless with thorns covering her body.

yuta broke down.

he knew the consequences would be mad big.

he knew momo wouldnt want to return home.

he knew he couldnt go back to japan.

he knew the house would get even more quiet.

he knew the silence would drive him crazy.

he knew momo was only there for mei.
he knew how much his father would be disappointed. he knew how quiet the house could get.

he knew mei was the only person who was there for him truly.

yuta would never be able to hear mei's laugh.
yuta would never be able to see mei's penguin smile.

yuta missed her crazy.

so that night yuta held his promise.

he brought a flower to mei's grave every day.

the flowers would always be different, they would never be cherry blossoms.

and that one night,
renjun came crying to yuta.

he left a note without getting noticed.

the next day renjuns death news were spread like a wildfire.

that night, renjun laid peacefully next to his lover buried under ground.

but yuta wasnt peaceful at all.
he kept getting hurt.

so the next day yutas death news were once again spread.

yuta finally laid next to his sister.

mei finally laid peacefully next to people she loved.

momo would occasionally visit her grave.

mei never got a flower after that.

but that exact final night,

mei's flower petals faded away with the cold winter breeze.

mei was finally disease free.

-after the final
the true ending

flower petals||huang renjun Where stories live. Discover now