Good Intentions

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There are so many things I look forward to when winter comes along.  Hot coco, blazing fires, warm sweaters and a reason to stay inside all day and watch the snow fall.  It was  a time of year I looked forward to so much when I was younger, and not just because of Christmas.  I always loved baking holiday treats with my mom and having an endless supply of candycanes in the pantry, none of which ever made it on the tree.  Lucky for me I ended up finding someone who loves this season just as much as I do.  Harry and I had gotten our tree a couple weeks ago and while I had always grown up with a fake one he insisted on having a real pine tree.  Even though it sometimes left a mess the fresh pine smell makes up for it. We spent a cold night in our warmest sweaters decorating the tree, drinking cider, and then watching some classic Christmas films snuggled together on the couch.  This being our first Christmas since Harry and I have  been married I’ve discovered something I wouldn’t be able to go another Christmas without.  A week ago we decided it was finally the appropriate time to  start listening to Christmas music.  Now in the mornings I am always greeted with Harry’s raspy, rich voice filling the house as he makes his tea and sings along to classic Christmas songs.  It’s not like I had never heard him sing but there was something about him beautifully singing the songs I grown up with.  He was embarrassed the first time I caught him, but now I usually join in with him and we laugh and dance clumsily around the kitchen.  This morning when I woke up it was very similar to any other day.  I could hear Harry singing ‘White Christmas’ from the kitchen and the smell of cinnamon and apples filled the house.  I however was dealing with something no one looked forward to this time of year.  A cold.  Last night I went to bed with a sore throat and shrugged it off, but after what happened yesterday afternoon I should have expected it.

 I decided to get most of my Christmas shopping done yesterday so I wouldn’t have to deal with all the last minute chaos.  I dragged Harry with me despite all his whining, but I promised we wouldn’t be very long.  I was just completely clueless on what to get some of his family members and I was hoping he would be helpful.  I felt bad because we ended up being at the shops for hours.  Not because there were tons of shoppers, but because I am notorious for being indecisive.  He didn’t help very much and just scowled every time I modeled a different sweater I was considering getting for Gemma. But surprisingly he didn’t verbally complain once and even cracked a smile when I pointed out a shirt that said “Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip”. When we got back in the car he looked drained so I promised that I would make his favorite brownies when we got home.   However we didn’t get home as soon as we both had hoped.  We were about ten miles from home and ended up getting a flat tire.  Harry didn’t have a spare so he called a tow truck, but it was going to be about a twenty minutes.  We sat in silence except for the radio and for the first few minutes I went over a check list in my head of the presents I still needed to get, but was startled from my concentration when something wet and cold hit the side of my face.  I gasped, wiping the snow off the side of my face with the sleeve of my coat and then slowly turned my head to see Harry smirking at me.  Both of his dimples were popping as he raised his eyebrows egging on a response from me.

I pressed my lips into a tight line refusing to smile “Oh you think that’s funny, do you?”

He just shrugged with that smug look still on his face and stuck his arm out his window again reaching for some more  snow on top of the roof.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I quickly rolled down my window reaching for some snow but I wasn’t quick enough as another snow ball hit the back of my head.  I grimaced and whipped around to see Harry laughing at me which gave me time to throw a snowball right in his face.  I laughed as it caught him off guard, and while he was wiping the snow out of his eyes I reached for more snow.  Before I had my hands back through the window he was out of the car and walking over to my side.  

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