The Keeper Of All Knowledge

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Reader POV:

I was still shocked that Elsa kissed me, but in a good way. I never admitted it to anyone for obvious reasons that I liked her as more than friends. But as I jumped into the water, I could not stop thinking about it, that was until I reached the waterfall. I knew I would have to be careful as I knew just how powerful they can be. That was when I saw a ledge to grab on to. I also knew Elsa would want me to be careful as she has a fear of water.

As soon as I had a hold of the ledge, I pulled myself across. It took a while but I was able to make it to the other side. And funnily enough there was a hidden cave. I got out of the water and made my way into the cave. All of a sudden I heard an unknown voice, "Y/N. I have been expecting you." I looked around to see who it was but I could not see anyone.

Then, I saw not a human but a lion with wings. I was surprised it did not have the head of an eagle. It definitely was not a griffin. "You can relax Y/N, I won't hurt you. I am the Keeper of All Knowledge or Hunter for short if you prefer." I did not know what to think at this point. I thought the Keeper of All Knowledge was a human not a lion with wings. I guess Grand Pabbie left out that part but I decide to test him to see if he is telling the truth. "If you are the Keeper of All Knowledge, then you know why I am here?" "Indeed, I do. You're here to ask how to save Arendelle from the Southern Isles. But that is not the reason I have been expecting you." I did not know what he meant by this so I continued to let him speak. "I summoned you here for one reason in particular. I summoned you as I have been searching for the one to weld the sword forged with dragon's breath." Now I definitely was confused.

The winged lion continued speaking, "In order for someone to weld a sword with great power, they would need to have a pure heart, be resilient, worthy but most importantly, they would need to be fearless. And Y/N you are the person I choose to weld this sword." Again, I did not know what to say and just stood there agape. It took a moment for me to figure out what to say, "What can this sword do?" "Walk with me and I'll take you to it." So, I do just that.

After a short while, we came to a halt. He opened a rectangular box with his wing and in it was the most amazing sword I had ever seen. It had a think silver blade, on the handle was a symbol of the moon. There was something written on the other side of the handle. It read, 'Whoever welds this sword, will not only tame fate itself, but also bring peace.' "This sword has the ability to weld fire. It will also give you let you weld this element by yourself. This sword is the answer to saving your queen's kingdom." "I'm sorry but my queen? We only had our first kiss before I came here. I don't even know what that makes us!" I exclaimed. "You and Queen Elsa are destined to be together and save Arendelle. It's written in the prophecy." Hunter aka the Keeper of Knowledge told me. "Well then, I will try my best to make this prophecy happen." "I expect nothing less Y/N." With that he disappeared.

I attached the sword to my waist and swam back to Elsa who was waiting with Anna, Kristoff and Sven. "Y/N! What happened? What took so long?" Elsa asked as she wrapped me into a hug. "Whoa relax. I found the Keeper of Knowledge. He gave us the answer to saving Arendelle." Elsa, Anna and Kristoff waited for me to tell them what I had been told. I take out my new sword and said, "This sword is forged with dragon's breath. He told me I am the only one who can weld it's power. He also said that me and Elsa are the only ones able to defeat the Southern Isles." "Then we better leave right away." Anna stated. I agreed and we all made our way back to Arendelle. The only part I left out, was the winged lion telling me that I was destined to be with Elsa.

Ending this one here. What did you guys think? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote! :)

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