chapter four; reunions.

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Things haven't just been the same since Maddie and Johnny ended their friendship. Marcel and me have been getting closer though, and if i'm being honest he's not a bad guy. Right now it's 6 in the morning and i'm at Maddie's soccer practice.

It all seemed to being well until Riley purposely tried to semi injure Maddie. The coach called it a time out, and screamed "Ziegler, Bartels! Come here."  I immediately thought this wasn't going to end well.

I got a bit closer to listen and all I could hear was Riley making up fake excuses. "No Coach, Maddie was the one who put her foot infront of me, trying to trip me." This caused me to get closer and tell the Coach a piece of my mind.

Actually, Coach.. I paused and read the name on his jacket.. Dixon.. I said. I saw everything and you best believe Riley tried tripping Maddie on purpose. Maddie looked at me and smiled thankfully. Then Coach Dixon said, "Good because I'm not risking one of my best players get injured." Riley looked at the Coach like he was crazy for calling Maddie one of his best players, but he wasn't wrong about it though.

I remember ever since we were little kids Maddie has always been amazing at soccer and when Johnny and her started playing soccer together, it was even better. They would practice each time, and whenever they would win they would do their secret handshake. Man, I wish everything was back to normal.

Anyways enough about them, let me tell you what's been going on for the past couple of days. So my science teacher thought it was a great idea to team marcel and me for a science project. Which obviously it wasn't, uhm... because he's a major distraction.


Today was the final game, I'm having mixed feelings. Wearing my soccer jersey didn't feel right. Then I found a picture of Maddie and me, back when we were 10 inside of the jacket I was wearing. I turned the picture and on the back it said "john, is my frickin soccer buddy for life. :) — Maddie" I was tired of this. I needed Maddie and the rest of my friends back in my life. If i'm going to win this game tonight, it has to feel right, and in order to make it feel right, I had to fix things. So I headed to the soccer field because I knew Maddie was going to be there.

I headed to the soccer field and found her there.
I was nervous and had many mixed emotions, a part of me knew she said she never wanted me to come begging her for a second chance of our friendship, the other part of me knew her better than anyone else did and knew that wasn't her, she wanted me back deep down even though she didn't say it out loud.

"Maddie can we talk?" I said it quietly as possible.
"Your here now so I mean why not." She said as she kicked the soccer ball in the net.
"Look...all that jerk personality I gave to you and the rest of our...well your friends. I really didn't mean it. I was manipulated by Riley, she was the one who caused all of this. And well, I thought I was in love... but I guess not. I actually thought she was the one for me, but after a while I realized, that no she wasn't the one. I wasn't only hurting myself and her... but I was hurting someone else... and that someone else was you." I said quietly
I could see a slight smile appear on her face, and then she hugged me. I really liked it when she hugged and she hadn't hugged me in the longest while.
"John, I'm glad you apologized.. I missed you. Heck, I missed you too much, you don't even know how much I did. I tried to hold it and be brave and act like I didn't care but I really wanted you to come back." She said as she hugged me tighter.
"I know you did Ziegler." I giggled

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