Meeting them...

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~Your POV~

Ava, my ex-roommate, has been ghosting me for over a week now, everyone in the town knows about it as us two are known for being the worst at socialising..... and because Ava's friend Lorali snapchatted the whole thing, she's like a social media queen!

I managed to find the ability to drag myself out my bed to go get something to eat... even though it's been over a week it's still weird not seeing or hearing Johnny about trying to grab someone's attention to feed him...

I shook the thought of Johnny and Ava out my head since I clearly had done nothing wrong to tick her off that much that she literally threw my stuff out the window and still trying to recover so the stupid trash man doesn't throw it away. I'm left with a mattress; small tv; enough food to last me until I next get payed; a sofa; heat and electric. Whilst the rest of it sits by Ava's apparent building.

I ate and got dressed and headed out to where Ava lives praying it's not trash day...

-le skipz-

Lucky me, it wasn't trash day, but sadly my stuff was just chilling outside her building, visible to anyone to grab, I grabbed a couple small things that I'll need since a bed frame isn't that expensive to rebuy a new one. I picked up the last few things then I heard something or someone walk into a wall or fall to the floor...

-like a few minutes ago-

-Asch POV-

My grandmother was going on and on about how the last soul was "crucial for our kind" since magic is running out and we use human souls to keep magic in Daemos.

Blah blah blah, grandmother throws book at Noi, blah blah blah, she has an odd obsession with Pierce, blah blah blah, numbersssss.... I get the jist.

We stood around for a couple more minutes before the interesting stuff happened. I helped Lady Grandma open up a portal to this new world...

"E-arth" She said with a smile. A grin grew on my face knowing I will one day rule this E-arth.

"E-arth? It shall be mine" I growled and walked through the barrier splitting Daemos and E-arth from each other. Peirce, Leif, Noi and Rhys followed after me before walking a little while on this new land.

Many moments later, the atmosphere grew heavier, hotter, spicier... then cooler.

-yo POV-

I ran towards the sound with a leg from my old bed frame for a weapon.

Five, who I assume are men, (you can never really tell who is under all that cosplay makeup) where stood there looking like they where suffocating.

"ARE YOU GUYS OK?!" I yelled and threw my wooden weapon away. They all just responded with grunts. My eyes went from the four cosplayers stood up to the one who recently had passed out.

"Why are you standing around? YOUR FRIEND IS DYING!" I yelled and ran to the person on the floor and tried to get him breathing again.

A couple seconds after the one on the floor started breathing and stood up again, I mean I think the one who shouted 'SHES SUCKING HIS ORGANS OUT!' Must have scared him awake... are these people dumb?

"Now your friend isn't dying; you do realise the Convention is that way and not back here?" I raised a brow and went back to picking up my stuff. And as soon as I pick up the cutlery my Grammy made me, all five of these guys decided to pull out weapons. I threw my hands up


"SHES CALLING IN REINFORCEMENT! EVASIVE MANOEUVRES" One called out which triggered a guy wearing mostly blue to point his sword at me.... mentally freaking out... "PEACEFUL EVASIVE MANOEUVRES!" He called out again and the guy in mostly blue put his sword down and hung me on a tree branch and they all walked away.

"GET ME DOWN FROM HERE RIGHT NOW!" I yelled... nothing "EXCUSE ME! I'D LIKE TO GET DOWN!" I watched as they turned a corner "Great... now I'm stuck here cause of them jerk boys" I crossed my arms and tried to get down. "Ya know what, this month couldn't of gotten worse, Ava throws my stuff out, I'm trying to thrive off what I have till I next get payed... and I'm now stuck on a tree, at the back of Ava's apartment building cause of FIVE JERK MEN!" I yelled the last part hoping they came but but they didn't "I have to get down and I don't exactly care if anyone sees me in my bra at this moment of time but seems to be the only way" I start to fidget out my shirt...

I was half out my shirt, just a few more wriggles and I'll be free.... buuuuut that's when I heard them again.

"Descend at once" the black haired guy demanded and I raised a brow confused.

"Huh?" I asked

"Descend.... at once" he growled a little.

"Look, IVE BEEN TRYING SINCE YOUR TALL BRO OVER THERE PUT ME UP HERE!" I yelled and they all looked a little shocked.

"Let me try your majesty" the 'smart' looking one said and the angry guy nodded "Greetings, it's a pleasure to meet you; before you stands Prince Asch the future king of-" I stopped him there with a laugh.

"Your so into this role play.... it's funny... but seriously GET ME DOWN BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!" I yelled and this 'prince' looked maaaad.

"SILENCE!" He yelled before burning the tree down from behind me. I fell, but at least I was down but then had a mini freak out cause THAT FIRE CAME FROM HIS HAND!

Then he got scolded buy the same guy who addresses the black haired guy as "prince" then I tried to yank his horns off... everyone looked so shocked....

"Their....real?" I muttered and they all complained.... the orange horned guy must have been the innocent one as the guy who got me stuck in that tree covered his eyes.

"HOW DARE YOU!" He growled but if they're real, they must have been sensitive since he had a light tint of pink on his face.

"I knew I should have stayed in today" I said before going light headed....

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