Almost dead

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~Your POV~

I woke up on the sofa, happily staring at the ceiling... then it hit me. How did I get home?! I sat up and scanned the area.

"Must have been a dream" I sighed with a little smile.

"What was?" The orange horned guy smiled as he popped up behind the sofa. I screamed and fell off the sofa.

"HOW DID YOU GET HERE?" I screamed and he chuckled.

"A thing called magic" he smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm gonna pretend this didn't happen. At least it's only you" I sighed and went to go to my room to see the light blue horned guy scouting my room with the white horned guy.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to find your source of power" the white horned guy responded and looked through my drawers.

"That's called being nosey, you shouldn't do that" I leaned against the door frame.

"I AM THE PRINCE; I SHALL DO AS I PLEASE!" The white horned guy said.

"Ooooo a Prince, if we're playing that game, I'll be a sorceress" I rolled my eyes and the light blue horned guy and white horned guy looked at me with a quick reaction.

"I KNEW IT!" The white horned guy said and I just wanted to give up.

"Just get out my room" I pushed them both out and closed my door and decided to head out to get stuff for the house.

"THE HUMAN IS ESCAPING!" The orange horned guy yelled which triggered me into running. I got to the door when the green horned guy appeared in front of me... I screamed and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan and pointed it at the guys.

"A WEAPON!" The green horned guy yelled and the light blue horned guy ran out at me with his sword, then one by one they pulled out their weapons...

"Do it and I'll..... s-scream" I stuttered. I thought it was a dream but nooooo this has to be my life now.

"It won't be the first time I've made a female human scream" the green horned guy winked and I got scared on what he meant.

"LEIF! Hold your tongue!" The darker blue horned guy added and the green horned guy rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean..."

"I thought I dreamed you guys up!" I became more alert.

"She saw us in her sleep?" The orange horned guy asked.

"She must have the ability to for-see us coming! Humans are a lot more powerful than I thought" the darker blue horned guy added and at this point I was scared and confused.


"Please we mean you no harm" the darker blue horned guy said.

"I thought we meant all the harm" the lighter blue horned guy added which then got me ready to throw my pan at one of them.

"Asch isn't here" the one with darker blue horns added.

"Please we need your help" he added.

"I saw you do magic stuff... are you the devils servants or something?" I asked and the green horned guy looked confused.

"The.... devil?" He repeated.

"She means a demon" the darker horned guy said and then tried to add something else to his sentence until another voice was heard.

"I've uncovered it! I've uncovered her source of magic!" The white horned guy said and they all looked confused.

"Source of magic?" I repeated and then the white horned guy held up.... one of my bras... my face burnt up but I burst out laughing.

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