Park (Part 2 of Traumatising experience)

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After the whole mishap we had going on back home I managed to get all five guys into the lift to head down to the park.

"Why do you guys take this so literally?"  I asked leaving the guys all confused. "Everyone in the block probably heard my screams to tell you to back off and get yourself dressed!" I rolled my eyes and looked away hiding the pink tint on my face.

"How were we meant to know they worked like Daemos clothes?" Leif asked with a slight brow raise.

"Common sense?" I responded still trying to get the image of four shirtless demon boys out of my head.

"And why didn't you just tell us it worked the same?" Leif asked again.

"Oh I don't know- maybe because your stupid prince over here had me trapped in a corner so the only thing coming out of my mouths were screams" I rolled my eyes. "Anyway I want you five on your best behavior at the park or I swear I will use my sorceress magic on you five without hesitation" I glared at them- Noi being scared to the point I watched his soul leave his body, Leif and Asch got really defensive over what I said and the other two just chilled at the back of the lift.

-At the park-

I was praising the fact that there wont be that many people at the park because of kids on their PlayStation's and Xbox's. But to my surprise, the park was full. Children running about, teenage girls taking selfies for Insta, parents falling asleep watching their kids run about- It was packed.

"Right this will only go we- WHERE DID YOU GO?" I yelled looking for five lost boys.

One by one i found them... well most, I'm still missing Pierce...

"You four stay here, if you leave- you'll die!" I warned them and they didn't even flinch this time.

"All you've done has threatened us, it's failing you now" Asch gritted his teeth against the straw of his juice box.

"Because it's the only way you will listen to me... NOW STAY" I semi-yelled before going off to find Pierce

The park isn't that big so I found the last daemos in a very short amount of time. It was mildly breezy so when I walked up to Pierce, his loosely tied hair fell from his shoulder, exposing the whole of his arm along with the wind pushing his already tight fit top against is chest which then left my face in a heated mess- how can someone be that hot?!

"U-uh Pierce, we need to head back to the others, they're waiting" I went to tap his shoulder but guess what- IM TOO DAMN SMALL!- but lucky me he turned around before I went and did something stupid like fall on him.

"They are? I went looking for them when I saw them rush off, I didn't know you got to them first" Pierce's Blue eyes shot right through me... Like someone had shot me- but in a lovingly manor.

"U-uh y-yeah, they never went that far anyway... you seemed to have wandered the furthest"I looked at anywhere but him, still feeling them sapphire orbs pinned on me.

"My apologies" He got down on one knee and bowed his head forward- like how knights bow to their king. However we aren't living in that era, passer bys walked past and instantly assumed he was proposing to me, so we got a few awes here and there which had turned me redder than Asch's flames. 

"You are forgiven, now get up, we need to go back before the others wander off again" I pulled him up, holding onto his wrist which slowly became his hand, which fitted around mine perfectly which caused me to blush more. 

"It's about time you got back... Leif drank the last juice box!" Asch growled at Lief and I rolled my eyes.

"It's a carton of juice... get over it, I'll buy more, it's not the end of the world" I said during Asch's and Leif's growl-off. I swear they're like a bunch of 5 year old's half the time.

"Um (Y/N) what are we gonna do now?" Noi asked with his hand slightly raised as I sat on the blanket- Pierce joining not long after next to me.

"We are going to enjoy the rest of the day here" I reached into the basket and pulled out a sandwich- well two, one for me and one for Pierce before I slowly ate mine whilst watching the guys.

"AGHHHH (Y/N) SUCH A COINCIDENCE YOU'RE HERE!" Lorali yelled, I looked over my shoulder to see an excited Lorali and a 'forced out' looking Ava. When the guys saw them come over there were small growls from each one of them.

"Uh, yeah, decided to go the park for fresh air" I responded with a slightly forced smile.

"Same! Well Ava needed to get out of her apartment so I brought her here" She beamed- Ava not so much, shes mostly glaring daggers at me right now and that set off Asch, I kneed him slightly and send a small glare to him as in his left hand was a small ball of flames. "Anywhoo- we will get off your case and leave you to your hot friends" Lorali winked and dragged Ava off as I glared at the guys.

"What was with the growls?" I asked.

"Miss Ava had clearly hut you in a way, it's only instincts to protect" Rhys added.

"How do you know that?" I asked again.

"The way you acted around her when getting human clothes made it obvious" Asch put in with a 'yes' coming from Pierce. I stared at the blanket we were all sat on because Ava was once my close friend, and now she hates me inside out- still clueless on why she is.. My train of thoughts stopped when I felt little pats on my head. I looked up and saw Pierce with a slight smile whilst patting my head.


I aint ded- just couldn't for the life of me remember my login details- heck its been a while n I sowwy ill update more frequently when I have the chance n dont worry- it wont be nearly over a year when i do XD- And theres no cover photo because its a part 2 out of 2- thats just how imma roll with this XD 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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