25. We will survive, all of us, for Fangs

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Ivy's POV

After I calmed down a little bit by pulling myself together again I got up and helped FP rush Jughead to the hospital.

"You can't drive", Sweet Pea argued. "I have to", I told him and pulled my helmet on following my uncle down the road.

We made it to the hospital very fast, faster than expected. FP carried Jughead in his arms while I was already running inside screaming for help.

"What happened?" a female doctor asked trying to calm me down. "My cousin was beaten, we need help, he might die", I cried.

On cue, FP walked inside with Jughead, "Oh my god", the doctor whispered and they immediately took Jughead from us and carried him away.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch", I muttered. "Me too, let's start the riot tonight", FP smirked.

"I see what you're thinking and I love it let me call Sweet Pea to get all the Serpents to the Wyrm", I told him and walked into an empty hallway.

"Ivy? How is he?", Sweet Pea asked picking up immediately. "We don't know yet but Pea, you need to listen to me. Get the Serpents all of them to the Wyrm. We will win this fight and start tonight", I explained.

"Okay, give me ten minutes", he said and hung up.

"All done", I told my uncle. "Good, the doctor just came by and told me that jughead will be in surgery and then he will be in a chemical coma for a couple of hours so his body can heal in peace, after that they will wake him up from that and then let him sleep so we won't be able to talk to him for about one or two days, let's go", FP explained.

I nodded and the two of us walked out of the hospital adjusting our jackets on our shoulders. The jacket that gained us both respect and fear at the same time.


"Serpents, we called you all to the Wyrm, because war has started. I know the official start is tomorrow but our future leader was beaten to only a plump and is hanging onto his life. One of our brothers died, it's time we honor both of them. The Ghoulies are preparing for tomorrow that's why we will take this as a chance to attack them at their weak spot. The riot starts tonight", I announced.

The entire bar started cheering.

"Okay, listen up. We need to do this with a plan. The older Serpents will head to the quarters and take them down there and me and the younger ones will fight the younger Ghoulies all around the town", I explained to everyone.

At that moment the bar door opened and my father walked inside with more people behind him, people I didn't know. People wearing leather jackets.

"I thought we might need some help so I got back up", he smirked at me. He brought us his Serpents as well as another Serpent group.

"We are more than them. We have a history and a tradition. It's time to fight. In unity there is strength!", FP yelled stepping onto the stage next to me.

"In unity there is strength!", we all yelled together.


I stepped out of the trailer wearing black high waisted jeans, a black long-sleeve, a red purple-colored flannel along with my biker boots and of course my Serpent jacket.

In my hand, I had some accessories like flip knives and knuckle rings. In the other hand, I had a bag with everything that meant something to me or the rest of my family just in case something would happen.

I had told the Serpents that they should pack an emergency bag with clothes and things that mean a lot to them because we had no idea how this night would end.

The bags were stored in the bushes behind the trailers where nothing could happen to them.

"Are you ready?", Sweet Pea asked me. "I am, it's time we bite back", I told him. "You're right, I just hope we'll all survive this night", he told me.

"We will Pea, we're a gang, a family. We will survive and stand until the sun will rise", I told him. "I hope so".


"Malachai", I smirked at the man that just came out of the Ghoulie bar. "Princess", he smiled cheekily.

He didn't know that all the Serpents were hiding somewhere near me and were ready to attack, we just had to get the Ghoulies attention at first and lucky for me I was the dummy.

"What are you doing here on the bad side?", he asked stepping closer towards me. "I was just coming to talk to you", I explained and that's when I saw a couple of younger Ghoulies step out of the bar.

"Why? Oh, I bet you saw your cousin. Yeah, I know, one of our best works, saw the black eye with the bloody forehead? Yeah that was my doing", he smirked and I lunged at him only to be grabbed by two tall Ghoulies.

"You really thought you could take me down, little girl? You're on my territory, not Fp's. Now you're mine, perfect for the riots tomorrow, we can use you for safety", Malachai smirked and grabbed my face in his hands.

"Please let me go", I fake begged not even fighting back. "Babygirl I can't let that happen", he said with only a whisper.

"I knew", I said my head hanging down but raising with a smirk on my face. "What are you-?", he asked as his eyes widened.

"Surprise", Toni smiled as she hit him across the face giving him an immediate knockout. That was when hell broke loose.

All the Serpents came out and so did the Ghoulies that were still in the bar and the first fight broke loose.

I quickly got out of the men's grip by punching both of them breaking one of their noses. Suddenly someone hit me, it was a good punch it was by one of the girls.

I got up again and punched her back as she scratched my face with her long cheap nails before she could do any more damage I pushed her down hitting her head on the ground making her blackout.

The fight lasted for another hour and after that most Ghoulies were taken down by us and the others fleed.

"Are you okay?", Sweet Pea asked me looking for injuries. "I am, are you?", I asked the boy. "Of course I am", he smirked.

He had a bruised eye, some cuts on his cheeks but that was it. I on the other side had a bruised cheek, a couple of cuts on my face and my hand was already bloody.

"Stop flirting you two we have to leave to the next spot", Toni yelled making me blush.

All of us made it to the Wyrm to protect it. We made it there just in time before the Ghoulies could overtake it, luckily we were enough to fight them off.

We all just earned a couple more bruises and some of us were knocked out. The next spot was the Sunnyside Trailer Park.

Nothing really happened until one trailer got lit on fire and all the Ghoulies stepped out as well as the rest of us Serpents.

It was the final battle, that would decide who wins the royalty of the Southside. I had a bad feeling, a lo oft Serpents were knocked out or had left.

The sun was slowly rising and the two fronts were standing infront of each other, the scenery was epic. My last thought before everything went down was,

'That was the only way I would wanna die, the perfect scenery and dying for my gang'

Sweet Pea squeezed my hand and I was scared to never be able to touch him in my life which made me hug him really quickly.

"We will survive", he told me. "All of us", Toni said grabbing my hand as well. "For Fangs", I smiled, all of us had tears in our eyes, just then the Ghoulies started running towards us and we did so as well.


Hey guys!

Here is a short chapter with the riot. I never see chapters about that night so I thought why not try to give that scene a little life.

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