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Joe's POV

It was two weeks later and the day of the masquerade ball. I'd settled in nicely, I'd also considered Dianne as a really good friend.

She wanted me to treat her like a normal person, and not a princess. Which, to be honest, I never treated her like royalty. Because deep down, she's just like me. A normal person, but not poor.

She is so lovely. And she makes me laugh. I can't stop laughing when I'm around her. Something about her laugh just makes me want to laugh with her, its so infectious. 

And  I know it's wrong, but I'm crushing on her. She's everything I could ever dream for in a girl. 

She's the female version of me. Well, when she's around me, and not doing her duties.

Her sense of humor matches mine. Dry and witty. It's like there is two different Dianne's. Princess Di and normal Di.

I like normal Dianne the most, but I also like Princess Dianne, because she's so cute when she's all dressed up.

Who am I kidding, she's cute full stop.

''Joeyyyyyy!'' Dianne's infectious laugh echoed through the gardens. I was chasing her around the garden, trying to tickle her. 

''Dianne Buswell. Inside now.'' Her Father, Mark, calls.

She looks at me. 'I'll be right here.' I whisper. She nods at me.

Dianne's POV

''What was that, young lady?'' My father asks, raising a brow.

''I was having a bit of fun. Is that so wrong?'' I ask, rolling my eyes.

''Do not roll your eyes at me, young lady,'' My father scowls. ''you're meant to be a Princess. You're meant to have a duty of care to our country. You can't be chasing some boy around our gardens, you are not a teenager anymore, Dianne.'' 

''I know, Dad. But am I not allowed some fun once in a while?''

''No. You're not. Your husband, Caspar, is on his way. So I suggest you go and get sorted.''

''But, Father, I don't want to marry this Caspar. I want to marry for love.'' I reply.

''Don't tell me you've fallen for this Joe boy?'' My Mother asks.

I bite my lip and look down. I know it's wrong but I was crushing on Joe.

''Oh Dianne,'' Mother sighs. ''You need to stop thinking about him. And start focusing on Caspar.'' 

''Fine. Whatever. Can I go now?'' She sighs but nods.

I get up to my room. Locking the door behind me, I sigh, thinking of Joe.

Oh, Dianne, what have you gotten yourself into?

_ _ _

''Di, are you alright?'' Joe's voice calls from outside.

''Joe you can't be here.'' I speak.

''I don't care. I was worried about you.'' My heart.

''Thank you. But I'm alright. My parents however, were pissed.''

''Oh shit. I'm sorry.'' He says.

''Hey, no. This isn't your fault. I don't care what they say. I like spending time with you.'' I smile.

''Well good for you, because I like spending time with you too. Di, I-''


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