Virgil POV (1)

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"You will never be one of us! You are the outcast. You don't belong here." I hear Roman yell at me. I start to tear up. He is right. I will never belong here. I am just a dark side. I always make Thomas's life harder. I wake up in a cold sweat. Oh good, it was just a dream. I smell pancakes and my stomach starts to growl. But I don't need any. Normally I would ignore them having breakfast right under me, but I don't trust myself with my thoughts right now. So I drag myself out of bed and I walk downstairs. I see Patton at the stove making pancakes. Logan is sitting at the table reading a newspaper. He is so old. I look around for Princey but I don't think he is down yet.

"Morning kiddo. Breakfast is almost ready. Did you sleep well?" Patton asks and I nod. I hate lying to Patton but if I tell him the truth he will worry. I would rather have Patton oblivious than worrying about me every minute. I have had frequent nightmares this week. I have no idea why though. I have used every method there is possible to have good dreams, but none of them have worked. I sigh and Logan looks up from the newspaper.

"Are you sure Virgil? You don't look so well." Logan says.

"Well, thanks Logan. I am sure." I say and Logan still looks unconvinced. I sniff the air and I smell something burning.

"Something is burning." Logan states and I nod in agreement. Patton rushes over to the stove and he gasps.

"I forgot about this little guy. Breakfast might take a little longer." Patton says while pointing to a burnt pancake with a nervous smile. I sigh and start to scroll through my Tumblr feed. I hear footsteps walking down the stairs. Roman appears in the living room.

"Greetings fellow citizens. I have awakened from a magnificent slumber. Ah, what a glorious morning. What's for breakfast?" He sings and I groan. I forgot how much he gets on my nerves in the morning.

"You could have just said a simple 'good morning' or something. You didn't have to be that extra." I say and Roman chuckles.

"Oh, Charlie Frown you see I love being extra," Roman explains and he walks over to Patton.

"We are having pancakes and bacon." I hear Patton say to Roman before I start to walk back to my room.

"Where are you going, Virgil?" Patton asks

"I am not that hungry," I say and Patton sighs.

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