Roman POV (5)

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"Hear me out. You eat five cookies and I will delete this picture. And I will add in a bonus. For every cookie, you eat I will do one thing you want. I will do anything but you have to eat a cookie before I can do anything." I say and Virgil looks nervous. Well even more nervous than normal. He thinks about the offer for a second.

"Ok. But only five cookies." He says.

"Only five. I promise." I say and he relaxes a little.

"I am going to go get the cookies," I say as I walk out of the room. I walk into the kitchen and I see Logan helping Patton make food. I grab five chocolate chip cookies and I rush back to Virgil's room. Virgil has a smirk plastered on his face when I walk into the room. I cock my head to the side in confusion and Virgil laughs.

"You are going to regret giving me this much power," Virgil says and I sigh. I really am going to regret it. I hand Virgil a cookie and I can see him start to shake. He puts the cookie up to his lips. He starts to nibble the cookie but unexpectedly he shoves the whole thing in his mouth. He starts to shake harder and there are tears in his eyes. I place a hand on his back and I start to rub circles to calm him down a little bit. He isn't shaking as hard and I let out a deep breath. I was scared he wasn't going to eat anymore. He swallows the cookie and I celebrate on the inside.

"I will do anything you want," I say, and Virgil perks up. He runs towards his closet and I am so confused.

"You have to let me give you a makeover," Virgil explains and I sigh dramatically.

"Hey, you said you would do anything. That is your fault." Virgil says.

"Ok but please don't put me in all black." I plea and Virgil laughs.

"I am not a complete asshole. Don't worry. I have a fantastic fashion sense." Virgil says. Virgil starts to look through his closet aggressively. He pulls out a dark red long sleeve and black skinny jeans. He also pulls out gold combat boots. He throws me the materials and I am uncertain how this is going to turn out. I start to pull my shirt over my head and I expect Virgil to leave the room or at least turnaround. But he doesn't move an inch. Well if he isn't going to turn around might as well give him a good view. I pull off my shirt and Virgil squeaks. I laugh and he turns bright red.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Virgil says and I shrug.

"You didn't turn around so I assumed you wanted a good show. What? Was it not sexy enough for you?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"You could have tried harder. If that was your version of sexy, I feel bad for your partner." Virgil says and I take that as a challenge to be even sexier. But that would have to wait because I want him to eat as soon as he can.

I change into the outfit and I don't absolutely hate it. I am pleasantly surprised.

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"This isn't absolutely horrible Virgil

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"This isn't absolutely horrible Virgil. You did a good job." I say and Virgil gives me an 'I told you so' look. He walks over to a drawer. He pulls this black pencil out.

"Sit down on the bed," Virgil demands and I chuckle.

"Bossy huh?" I question and Virgil laughs.

"Just sit down on the bed Princey." He says and I comply. He walks over.

"Roman this is eyeliner. I promise I am not going to poke out your eyeball. Do you trust me?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I trust you," I say and Virgil lets out a deep breath. The pencil slowly moves towards my eyeball. After what feels like twenty years he is finished. He stands back and he shakes his head. He ruffles my hair and he nods slowly.

"Stand up." He demands and I comply.

"Wait it is missing something," Virgil says and he begins to rummage through his closet again. He pulls out a black beanie with a crown on the front. He gets close to my face as he slips it on my head. His lips get really close to mine. I would gladly kiss him but I don't know if this would be his first kiss or not. And I don't want to take his first kiss unless he gives me permission. I don't stare at his lips anymore so I am not tempted. He pulls away from my face and he looks proud of his work.

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