(1) Welcome, to your new life

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Your POV

I set the remote down on the couch. I just finished the recent episode of danganronpa 52. I stretched my arms out and stood up. After a good time watching something, I usually go on walks and kicking down any nerd I see.
I walked outside and stared to skip down the street. Sure, skipping is for nice, joyful people, but its not running and faster then walking, so Ima do it. I smile and hum to myself. But then, something ruined that. A black van slowed down right beside me, and pulled me inside.

"HEY!! LET GO OF- MPH!" My attackers put a rag over my mouth, which was probably covered in chloroform. I made the mistake of closing my eyes, and the next time I open them, Im in a dark space with what seems to be no escape.

Kokichis POV

I woke up on a desk in an unknown room. "Wha- where am I-I?" I quickly raised my head up and looked around. There was someone else here, and he seems to be sleeping as well...I began to shiver. 'Where am I?! Howd I get here?!' those thoughts began to whirl around my head before a loud banging noises jumped me out of it.


"O-o-okay! Ill t-tr-try" I stood up from my chair and walked to where the voice came from, which was a locker. 'Should I do this? What if this is my kidnapper? But why would they be in the locker..'

"Just do it already!!" The voice kicked the locker door, which made it fly open and hit my nose. The voice, which was now revealed to be a girl, smirked. "Oops."

I looked her up and down. The girls (e/c) eyes popped out at me. It was her most interesting feature. "H-hello... Im Ko-Kokichi Ouma..."

Your POV

'does it look like a give a shit?' I sighed internally. "Names (Y/N) (L/N)!!" I smiled widely. My smile dropped when I saw the little kid sleeping in the-


A giant robot stood outside the classroom door. This awoke the boy, and he had an annoyed face. "FUCKING RUN!!" I yelled and ran in between the legs of the robot. The other two boys ran after me, the purple hair started to cry like a bitch baby on the way to wherever we were running.

We took so many turns that I began feeling dizzy, or it could be the fact theres so much going on. The three of us kept running, and we bumped into another robo bitch. "AAAAAAAAAA!!!!" purple boy cried

"Shut the fuck up and TURRRNN" I turned on my heels and ran in the other direction. "Huu.... this is so annoying." White hoe finally spoke. I looked at him with a smirk before running into a door, which in turn opened it. The three of us fell in immediately, looking up at the others in the room.

"So theres others nyeh?"

"Seems so.."

"That makes.. 15." the green haired boy spoke. He looked at me and smiled. "Here, allow me to help." He held his hand out for me. I smiled slightly and took the offer. The male pulled me up to my feet.

I took a look around. It seems we entered into a gym, and there are others here. I looked behind me and saw the people I woke up with picking themselves up. I sighed and helped both of them up.

The truth behind the lie  *Kokichi x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now