Simple Wonder

20 0 0

Stephen P.O.V

I search around the living room of a random house. I don't know this house, I never lived in it. It's the third house that the Karambits have raided today. I reach a drawer and tug it open. There's a pack of gum and a Twix bar in there. I take both and move to the bedrooms where Dan is. I see him next to the bed, digging through a closet. I nudge him and he looks over, his hands start moving in swift motions. The entire group knows ASL, we all had to learn it to communicate with each other when we have the masks on.

Have you found anything?

Not much, just some gum and candy bar, bullets, stuff like that.

I found a book, fish food, and a sketchbook for Hosuh.

I nod and he hands me the sketchbook. We all know Hosuh loves to draw, and he's good at it too. Hosuh has been bothering us to get more paper for a good week now. I head over to the hallway where I see Jay and Hosuh, both carrying a box. I look in and see medical supplies, food, and fuel. We were running low on fuel so this was great. I notice Jay was holding two boxes of matches behind his back, and I hold out my hand. He gives reluctantly gives me the boxes, like I was going to burn down the house with them. I hand Hosuh the sketchbook and he gives a little jump of joy when he sees it. I give them the signal to load up and move to tell Daniel that we were leaving. He nods and gathers the stuff he found, then hurried out the front door. We put all of our finds in the trunk of the car and pile in. I get into the front seat and take out the detoxifier, then switch it on. We all take off our masks and breath or a bit.

Hosuh was the first to speak. "Thank you for the sketchbook guys!" He chirped. "Now I have something to do in the car other than Daniel's RPG games!"

"Excuse me," Daniel said in a hurt voice. "I for one think that my games are highly entertaining. Besides, I got my own entertainment at the house we looted."

"Stop arguing, we have a long drive ahead of us." I say, "I don't want to hear any complaints from Jay about you two or I will dump you to the Leitas." The Leitas was another group that seems to track us down and capture us.

We pull out of the neighborhood and start on the road. We drive for a good three hours before I pull to the side of the road. Everyone gets their masks on and heads out of the car. I look over the view of the road and spot something out of place. I clap two times and Jay comes over next to me. I point to the spot that I saw and he stares and it too. He turns over and starts to sign to me.

Dont hate me, but I think the Leitas have found us.

How? They couldn't have gone ahead of our course, have they?

I don't know, but something is off. It's like something is here that isn't supposed to be.

Like us?

He pauses to look at me and shifts his gaze back at the spot. Jay takes out a pistol and slowly advances towards it. By now, Daniel and Hosuh have seen what we were doing and came over to investigate. They questioned what was going on, and I told them to wait. All three of us stared intently at Jay as he slowly walked through the area. Then he stopped and stared behind a dumpster bin. We didn't know why, but I stayed put. Why was he just standing there?


sorry for the short chapter, its a school project so it's kinda hard to do chapters long. See you later my little TurtleShells.

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