13. Eating IceCream

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Oof. My lazy ass can't get me to do this one-
So this will be short.


<Tomura's POV>

I was walking to the mall cause Kai asked me out for another date and I couldn't say no. He's my boyfriend so I could never. I got to the mall and he was already there. "Hey Kai! I hope I didn't take too long!" I said, scratching the back of my neck. "Oh it's okay Tomura." He said, chuckling a little at the same time.

We entered the mall and looked around the place. There were a few stores I were interested in.

Once we walked a few parts of the mall and we went to the food court cause I like food.  We got there and I got myself some chicken nuggets. (cAlIfOrIna GiRls sorry I'm listening to it rn) Kai just got water. We sat down and I ate my chicken nuggets while Kai just sipped his water.

We then left for more places at the mall. I got to go to the GameStop and got myself a plushie of Foxy. Kai also ended up buying himself a new game. We left and continued shopping or looking around the mall.

After an hour or so we left and went to the park where we had our first date at. This place was really pretty. We went to the little ice shop place and got some ice cream. I ordered myself chocolate and Kai got coffee. He paid and we left. We sat down at a bench and ate our Ice Creams. "Hey Kai!" "Yeah?" "Do you actually like IceCream or like do you just eat it when we're out?" I asked him. "Hm... I guess I kinda like it I have to admit." I giggled and continued eating my IceCream. "I'm guessing you really like IceCream." I nodded and continued licking my IceCream. (idk why I'm capitalizing IceCream)

"Hey." "Hm?" I turned to him and he leaned in and licked my face. I jolted a little cause that was unexpected. "You had some IceCream in your face." He says, smirking. I blushed as he laughed.



My motivation is so low it's lower than my grades.

Hope you enjoyed!

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