Chapter 2: What The Hell!

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Emma's POV:
Ok well I better head down there to check on my tall sexy vamp buddy. He was hot I mean super hot and I loved his hair( a/n gotta love blondes). I rushed down the mountain to the small shed that had cracks in the sides.
I hope he's ok... Wait what, why do I care a bout a vamp. That thing probably deserved to die. I sighed because I knew I couldn't convince myself that anyone deserves to die.
I pant as I opened the door to the shed and see him curled up in a corner away from the cracks. I walked over quietly and saw his face. Wow ok sooo cute... He was asleep. I decided that while he sleeps I should make this suitable for him to live in for awhile while he heals. Time to do some remodeling!!!!!!
"Phew I am so tired," I looked at my watch and saw that it was fucking 9:00 at night. He should be up right now which means I should be leaving. I may have saved his life but vamps are unpredictable. I made my way back to the forest as I felt a sudden whoosh by my side.
"HOLY SHIT!!!!" The vamp was sitting in a log right in front of me. Wait he is gone.
"Mm hello," I literally jumped out of my skin as I looked and he was right behind me breathing his cold breath on my skin. My body went into attack mode as I jumped and arial kicked him down to the snow. Ya I took defense lessons when I was 14 and I never stopped practicing, glad they came in handy today.
"Back off vamp, I don't know who the hell you are but you aren't getting even a drop of this girls blood." I was still in a protective stance as he got up. I felt air rush by me as my back was pinned against a tree.
"I don't take orders from...." Suddenly he almost collapsed. I wrapped my arms around him as I pulled him back into the shed. God he might be sexy but he weights a lot. And the best/ worst part of all this was that he was still naked.
I gritted my teeth as I heaved his body on a table. I looked around to find a box with blankets and clothing that my uncle told me to hide here. I don't know why but every month or so he would tell me to go and have a camp out here for the night. It was pretty weird.
"Haha found ya you little bugger."I dragged out the box and placed some of my uncles clothing on a desk next to the table and placed 3 blankets on top of the vamp. He might be dead and cold but it's the thought that counts right?
I was about to leave when I felt him grab my hand. I tried to yank it out of his grasp but he wouldn't let go. Now i may be acting calm but I was scared shitless.
"Mmm... Stay with... me." He was half asleep that's for sure but I felt somewhat bad for him, I could sense the pain in his voice as I slipped my hand away from him. I grabbed some extra silver nails that i had brought up to help fill the cracks so the sun wouldn't leak in. I held them I my hands just in case vampy over there tries to make a move. I got an extra blanket and curled up on the floor, no I don't get cold cause I have fire in my blood but I love the softness of the blanket.
I woke up early in the morning to find that vampy and the silver nails were out of sight.
"Oh crap!" I was about to reach the door and the safety of the sun until I knocked my body into something cold and hard...vampy.
Before I could get a fist up I was pushed to the ground and there was vampy, luckily this time with the clothing I set out for him on. I struggled and tried to get out but it was no use he had me pinned.
"Hello beautiful," he said in a cocky tone. I didn't say a word all I did was glare trying to hide my fear knowing he would kill me.
"My name is Erik and what might yours be?" He was so cocky and he gave the most sly smirk you could ever imagine.
I couldn't help but think that I could make this more interesting. I had a plan.
" my name is Emma," I said in the flirtatious and sexiest voice I could. I knew that if I could match up to him I might survive. Bad idea cause the next second his lips were on mine. I couldn't take this anymore. I heated my hands up just enough to burn him good and I placed them on his chest.
"Ahhhhhh!" He yelled. I jumped up and looked at him with the best smirk I could muster up. Then his eyes widen as his stepped closer.
Oh no i wasn't going through that again. I pushed through the door and ran down the hill as fast as I could. One thing is for sure... He will come after me.
Hey everyone hoped you liked the chapter and if you didn't well screw you . Comment to make me update even faster.
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