Chapter 4 On the Couch Mister

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I cried for what seemed like hours and yet Erik was with me giving me a shoulder to cry on. God I was such a baby and why is Erik being so nice to me. Maybe cause I saved his life, ya lets go with that.
It was 12:00 at night and I was all out of tears, just my numb self once again.
"You ok angel?" Wow I loved his voice. So trusting. Wait he said angel, that was a new one. I sniffed and then nodded. Wow i do that a lot.
"I am fine, why did you stay with me?" That is all I wondered. It's not like he has feelings for me.
"I need to get to bed," I said with remorse as I left his embrace. He smirked and I knew exactly what he was thinking.
"In your dreams you ain't taking my virginity!" If possible, he smirk grew wider. Crap I just told him that I was a virgin. I just shook my head. Men God!
"You won't regret a night with me angel." He just sat there on the couch and acted like he was the best thug in the universe.
"No thanks. And you get the couch." Others would say ' oh please take my bed' ya not me that is my personal space not his. I threw him a blanks and pillow... Wait they don't sleep at night oops.
"Alright, your the one missing out." Ok curiosity got the best of me when he said that.
"How do vamps even have sex?" I was so curious I didn't realize why I said until after I said it.
"Well we go for hours and hours and going as fast as possible, and many say I am the best. Here let me show you." Next thing I know I was in my bed with Erik straddled on top of me. Ah Hell no! I was about to burn his ass when he smashed his lips against mine. There was so much want in his kiss. I was losing my mind and I was liking it to much. I had to stop it. I heated my hands and gently pushed him away. It was not hot enough to burn him just to get the message across.
"You... I... I need to go to bed now. Goodnight Eric." I cuddled up in my bed and heard the door close lightly. Was it just me or was Eric real disappointed when I told him to go. I let sleep take me in the second I closed my eyes.
Hey everyone! Sorry it's sort but the next chapter will be longer and have more about the uncle cause I was to caught up in her and eric together lol. Fan Comment Vote
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